The MGA With An Attitude
Rolling CHASSIS DOLLY #4 - RT-211C
This one is my own spur of the moment creation, done during my third repaint and 2nd restoration of the same car. When I was replacing body sills the body was still bolted to the frame as the alignment and welding jig. When the body came off the frame it would sit on a pair of cheap collapsible saw horses for easy access to everything underneath during final weld cleanup and outer body panel repair and fitting.

For underbody painting I put a narrow sheet of plywood on the saw horses and turned the body on its side for easy access while painting inside and underneath.

When it came time for painting the outside of the body I needed to roll it out of the garage repeatedly for garage cleaning, wet sanding and buffing. For this I threw together a few 2x4's with wood screws and caster wheels, and bored holes with a wood spade to accept the legs of the saw horses, and there we have an almost instant roller dolly for the body.