The MGA With An Attitude
On Dec 28, 2021, David Briggs in Commack, NY, USA wrote:
"Purchased a MGA trunk floor since I had a few pinholes, and figured while we were in there might as well. I found the replacement MGA trunk floors are rubbish! [Photo below is bottom side of the part from Moss Motors].

"I purchased a trunk floor pan from one of the major suppliers [Moss Motors] (everyone seems to carry the same version) since there were a few spots on my trunk pan that were thin enough to punch an awl thru.
As you probably know the original trunk floor was a single pressing welded into position. Please find picture showing the replacement panels deviation from original. The reproduction is made up of several pieces of sheet metal bent up and welded into place. Although it is better than having your jack fall through a rust hole not something I wanted to put on my car".
Addendum, February 18, 2025:
On 2/16/2025, Timothy Trevithick wrote:
"Attatched are some images of MGA trunk floors for comparision: The Moss ones are decidedly amateur in construction, and I consider not good enough to fit on anything other than a 'driver grade' car". -- regards, Tim T

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