The MGA With An Attitude
These photos and nots compliments of Paul Stopp in Nanoose Bay, BC, Canada
On Sep 20, 2021, Paul Stopp wrote:
"The left front wheel splash shield had some old corrosion in the bottom and was missing the angle, so it was time to do something about it. Made a cardboard template and cut a patch panel of similar gauge metal to match. Hammered the edge over a curved metal block I had to form the raised lip edge. Laid patch over shield and traced around it then cut out the bad area of the shield. A little more trimming and fitting of the patch panel to butt with the old metal. Then a few tacks on the front to hold the piece in place and finish welding on rear, a quick clean up with the grinder and it is ready for paint". -- Regards, Paul

Most MGA splash panels will NOT be contour stamped. They will generally be flat metal with narrow flanges, or gentle curving panels with nawwor flanged edges. See more examples of making or repairing such panels here:
BD-108A - Splash Panels Ahead of the Rear Wheels
BD-225 - Splash Panels Behind the Rear Wheels
RT-612 - Making Curved Flanges