The MGA With An Attitude
STEERING LOCK With No Electric - SR-110A

At 10:50 AM 12/11/2011 +0000, CAM CUNNINGHAM wrote:
"Attached are photos I took of my car's steering lock. The heritage cert indicates that it may have been an export option for Switzerland although it is an original RHD. Unfortunately I have never had the key for it - cheers Cam".
I have not seen this documented anywhere else. It certainly looks like a factory issued assembly. The larger diameter tube is a few inches long, fitting over the outside of the standard steering column tube. The lock drum obviously passes through the outer column tube, which would secure the lock housing to the tube. Notice the screw in the column support clamp that will secure the tube to the clamp to prevent rotation of the tube. This also requires a slot in the rotating shaft of the steering column, similar to the one shown on the prior page. As there is no electrical function in this lock, it requires a second key separate from the standard ignition key. Position of the lock makes it a bit awkward to use.
It seems odd that the Heritage certificate does not mention the steering lock. At time of production this would not have been part of the specification for all "RHD Export". It certainly looks like a factory issue assembly, but steering lock was first fitted to cars for Sweden in May 1961, and for Germany in July 1961. In September 1961 it was changed to the Neiman steering lock (electrical type on prior page) for Sweden and Germany. This car was produced a year earlier, so the steering lock (mechanical only) must have been special order (perhaps an available factory option at the time). If anyone else has seen one of these I would like to hear about it.
My best guess is that this mechanical-only type steering lock was a factory available option (not very popular) prior to becoming standard issue for Sweden (May '61) and for Germany (July '61). Apparently the Neiman lock (electrical type) was introduced in September 1961. So prior to May 1961 a steering lock would be extremely rare. Between May and September 1961 (4 months) the mechanical type lock would be standard issue for Sweden, and between July and September 1961 (2 months) standard for Germany. Considering that total production was about 300 cars per week, and a huge majority was export to North America, then cars sent to Sweden and Germany during this short time period may have been no more than about 200 cars (fitted with this type steering lock).