The MGA With An Attitude
INNER Steering BALL JOINT Drawing - SR-202D
This may be mostly a human interest effort. In February 2022 I was repairing anothter slightly worn inboard ball jpoint on my MGA steering rack. Having much distress in the past while disassembing these things, this time I found the two-piece ball housing parts were commercially available, so I bought the parts and slit-cut the old one for easy removal. When finshed with the repair and reassemblhy, I decided to make a CAD drawing (reverse engineering). I suppose in the near future parts of this drawing may be used to illustrate parts in the Part Numbers index with additional information.

MGA Inboard steering bal joint drawing -- Click to open a larger PDF document.
If you print it on 11" x 8-1/2" (A-size) paper with 1/2" margins, it should be full scale.
I have on various occasions found the adjustment shims to be brass, steel, or aluminum. Other people have commented that they believe steel was original material for the shims (likely correct). Shims that I bought recently from Moss Motors (USA) are clear soft plastic, very disappointing, but they can work with some fiddling (even though they may compress some when tightened in assembly).