The MGA With An Attitude
Compressing Front Suspension Springs -- FS-203
At 09:56 PM 8/8/04 -0400, Gordie Bird wrote:
>" Over the years I have seen questions wrt removing the front suspension when the body is off; no weight to compress the springs.
>I've often replied that I would probably rig up something with straps etc. Well, I'm here to tell ya that I have just experienced the same issue (another "might as well") and now have the definitive answer. Hardware store provided 4' of 1/2" steel rod (not threaded) which I cut in half. Also provided 2 ten inch turnbuckles with big eyelets on the end. Get'n the picture? Place one section of rod on top of the spring tower, in front (to the outside) of shock. Lower rod went below the spring pan. Tightened up the turnbuckles to compress the spring, undo all bolts, including shock bolts. Loosen turnbuckles til no tension on spring, remove spring and entire front suspension as a unit. Slick and easy, and @ $12.
>Now I have a real answer when someone asks the question. ;^)
Gordie Bird
Gordie's Garage <>:

See TS-205 for pictures and info to build your own tool.