The MGA With An Attitude
REAMING the Front Suspension BRONZE BUSHINGS -- FS-201
Page 5 of 9

Position a flat-faced lever where you can use it to apply a little end force on the reamer. Install a steel bearing ball (1/4 to 3/8 inch diameter works well) between the lever and the end of the reamer to act as a rotation pivot for the reamer. The reamer will have a small center drill hole in the end that will hold the ball in the center of the reamer tip while you push on it with the lever.

Here I am using a piece of steel angle iron for the lever, and it is engaged at the bottom end onto one of the bolts securing the vice to the workbench. Otherwise you may need to put a lag screw or bolt into the bench top to act as an anchor point for the lever. Position the swivel link in the vice so that the reamer is nearly perpendicular to the angle of the lever.
Positioning pusher bar and ball bearing

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