The MGA With An Attitude
Service Tools, Factory Issue

18G304 - Front and rear hub plate remover (basic tool).
The plate in combination with two bolts and plug will remove the front and rear hubs of the M.G. 'MGA' with pressed steel wheels. When used with different bolt adapters it can be used on a variety of BMC models.

Consists of:
18G304 - Plate and Screw
18G304B - 7/16-in UNF Bolt (2 req'd)
18G304C - Adapter Bolt, Twin Cam hubs (2 req'd)
18G304J - Rear Axle Plug
Addendum June 13, 2013: More pictures from Paul McKinsey.

Addendum October 16, 2013:
Another picture from Paul McKinsey.
The 18G304J - Rear Axle Plug