The MGA With An Attitude
TOOL KIT For MGA Twin Cam - TF-103
BMC part number AHH5835, is the Tool Kit for the MGA Twin Cam. Abingdon King Dick drawing no. A5966 shows some tools that can be used for the Twin Cam, but is not a true representation of the parts actually in the tool kit. In particular, the "Screwdriver and gauge - distributor" (for setting contact points) which was part of the tool kit is not in this drawing. Alao the tappet feeler gauge shown as 0.018" thick is incorrect thickness, and is not part of the traveling tool kit. Note the date of the drawing is 6-3-58 (6th of March, 1958), which is some time before the first Twin Cam was delivered from the factory. By the time the first cars were delivered the tappet clearance specification had been reduced.
Drawing at right shows some of the tools included in the kit.
List below has all of the tools shown in the picture, including links to more drawings.
For a list of tools that were actually in the traveling tool kit you should refer to the Service Parts List.

Screwdriver and gauge - distributor
CES4450 7/16A/F x 1/2A/F D.O.E. Flat Spanner (A4295)
CES5662 9/16F/F x 5/8A/F D.O.E. Flat Spanner (A4296)
CES6975 11/16A/F x 3/4A/F D.O.E. Flat Spanner (A4297)
BKS4450 7/16 x 1/2A/F Tubular Box Spanner (A4294)
BKS56/62 9/16 x 5/8A/F Tubular Box Spanner (A4294)
BKS69/75 11/16 x 3/4A/F Tubular Box Spanner (A4294)
1/2W x 9/16BS Tubular Sparking Plug Box Spanner (A4265 ?)
116647 5/16 Headed 'T' Bar (A2563)
AHH5834 Tappet Feeler Gauge .015 (A4312)
301540 7" Auto Wrench AW207 (B387)
ACH5490 9" No.2 Phillips Screw Driver (A4313)
6" Bent Wire Handle Flat Blade Screw Driver (A4313)
116625 6" Engineers Pliers (KDP206)
13-3/4" x 17-3/4" Tool Roll Pouch (?????)
AMK9958 Tire Valve Spanner (AMK9958)
Drain Plug Key (?????)
Dunlop Tire Irons (?????)
Note the drawing of the tappet feeler gauge shows the correct thickness of 0.015-in.
