The MGA With An Attitude
FLAT WRENCHES, Superslim - TF-111A

Photos compliments of Wes Maupin
These parts are not bright plated, just cleaned to bare metal for the pictures.
Here we have the TW Superslim forged steel "flat" wrenches. These would be significantly more expensive than the flat stamped steel King Dick wrenches, so it is very unlikely that the Superslim wrenches would even have been specified as standard for the MGA tool kit. But there are a few reports of these wrenches being found in tool kits of MGA that having been "in the family" since being purchased new, implying that these parts may have been packed in the car from the factory.
Not to say it could not happen, but it will be difficult to prove. If true, then best guess might be that these wrenches could have been supplied in a temporary emergency situation if the factory ran out of inventory on the King Dick wrenches. So this page is included here more on speculation and a few field reports. These tools are at least"period correct" as replacement parts, being produced in the same time frame as the cars.