The MGA With An Attitude
GREASE GUNS, Small - TF-210

ENOTS no. 1D grease gun above
This type had a light metal bottom filler cap (tin or nickle) and a pull-out plunger that you removed with a small chain. The main body is steel with gunmetal blue finish. These are very hard to find and often have the bottom cap missing, dinged in or rusted. Note nozzle protector has a small hole.
ENOTS no. 1H grease gun below
I think the 1D model was used in MG TD, and the 1H model was used in MG TF and early production MGA. These two mpdels are nearly identical. Enots were made by Benton & Stone of Birmingham. There was a materials shortage at the time, and there may have been overlapping production and substitutions.

Tecalemit GB2802 grease gun. This one is from a December 31, 1958 MGA.
Small Tecalemit Grease Gun / Oiler: Optional travel tool for MGA and other vintage British cars. Size is 5 inches long by 1-1/4 inches diameter, marked on the end cap "TECALEMIT GB2802 ENGLAND". This has a drawn steel tube body with blue Hammerite paint finish and cast aluminum end cap. The nozzel should be a type designed to be used on a standard grease nipple and should have a small spring loaded ball valve to prevent leakage, especially if heavy oil is used. That said, they are prone to leak in storage anyway, so you might want to put it in a plastic bag for traveling.
To fill this tool unscrew the end cap, pull the nozzle tube out to full extension (about 4 inches), hold vertical, fill with grease or oil, and install the cap. For use press the nozzel against a Zerk style grease fitting and push the gun forward to pump grease or oil through the nozzle. This tool can be used for chassis grease but is more commonly used on the MGA for filling the steering rack with gear oil.
There were a number of different Tecalemit grease guns. 2800, 2801, 2802 and others. They may slightly varying nozzel fittings, and there may have been more than one type used over the full production of MGA cars, or dealer aftermarket stock may have been variable. Tecalemit 2802 is the model most commonly found with the cars from the factory, although Enots grease guns may have been used during early production years.
For those not concerned with concours show, you can buy a similar tool made in moulded plastic and steel. The one pictured below is available from Moss Motors and other British auto parts and tool suppliers.

Modern aftermarket plastic oil gun
As a matter if interest, the working end of this tool is not supposed to snap onto the Zerk fitting like a standard grease gun. The interface fitting has a funnel shape end. You press it up against the Zerk fitting and push/pump with the palm of your hand, which is why it is often calld a Palm Gun. It works well for putting oil in the steering rack, which is all I ever use it for. It also leaks after some years of aging, so I always empty it before storage.
There were many variations of the grease gun in brass and steel construction, as these were derived from some general purpose industrial machine oilers. Some may have various odd output end fittings which may or may not be suitable for use with your car. There are some which are much smaller in diameter that may be desirable for the smaller size when packing in the boot. I will post as many of these as possible when pictures are available.

Tecalemit GB2787 - Nov 25-26, 1957

Tecalemit GB2787
The cap is marked: Cat # GB2787; Patent Pending; Made in England. The "zerk" end is marked: Cat # HF4048; Made in England; and Brit Pat 695656. From a 1958 MGA roadster.

Tecalemit 2788

Tecalemit 2801 ?