The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Aftermarket Hardtops - TT-123K
Kellison bolt-on fastback hardtop
On 1/17/2024, Peter Brauen wrote:
"Peter Brauen here at BMC in Kiln MS". -- After many years of searching I finally tracked down a Healey fastback hardtop produced by Kellison of California in the sixties. In the ad shown below they make reference to an MGA version. Have you ever run across one? Just curious". -- Peter
Notice the car in the picture is an Austin Healey, not MGA. However the vintage ad for this fastback hardtop also offers a similar top for MGA, not pictured but listed below.

The company is (or was) Kellison, Hwy 99E, Lincoln, California, maker of what was at the time claimed to be the world's fastest sports car. They made some complete cars, kit cars, Fiberglas body shells, a variety of hardtops and other body panels.
Sorry, no picture of the MGA hardtop.

If you want to go back a little farther in time, there was the Acme Fabricating Company making what appears to be the same fastback hardtop for the A.H. Looks like Hellerton may have bought them out to continue sales.
Addemdum, February 12, 2024:
Ah, a few weeks later we found another vintage magazine ad with a picture of an MGA with this Kellison fastback hardtop.
