The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Aftermarket Hardtops - TT-123U1
Unknown - 1 & 2 & 3
Manufacturer unknown

This is a fiberglass hardtop from eBay in December 2004. Manufacturer is unknown, but it is interesting. Features to notice are the non-wrap rear window with nearly square corners and sharp transition styling lines at back and on top. This is slightly contrary to the very smooth and rounded styling of the MGA body, but not so much different from the sharp transitions of the rag top. The small "speed bump" at the front corner appears to be surrounding the location of the windscreen top peg attachment wing bolt. This may be part of a styling effort to pull in the sides of the roof line to minimal dimensions at the front. It would be interesting to see what this one looks like on the car.

Manufacturer unknown
This MGA hardtop was offered on eBay in late September 2005. The manufacturer is unknown (for now), but this one is common enough that I may figure it out eventually. The unique feature here is the overhang above the rear window.
Here's another unknown brand, this one known to be common in Australia. If anyone can identify the maker, please let me know. Notice the slight overhang above the rear window. Also the vinyl covering is not original.

On 27 Sept 2008, Barry Gannon , Victoria, Australia wrote: "You can improve the look of your new top by having it vinyl covered. I found it a relatively cheap improvement. See photo."
On 28 Sept 2008 Barry Gannon in Victoria, Australia wrote:
"Mine was made in Australia and has the molded line front to back, shows off the seams. It has been in place for 12 years and only needs a coat of shoe blacking each year."
On 29 September 2008 Barry Gannon in Victoria, Australia wrote:
"These are quite common here in Australia. I found this one 30 years ago.... I haven't a clue who made it, but it fits snugly. I got sick of the 'crazing' in the surface of the gelcoat so had the vinyl fitted. Very professionally done and very good quality material to last 12 years. I made and fitted a new hood-top rail, held it in place with two strips of stainless steel, and also used stainless steel screws."