The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Aftermarket Hardtops - TT-123U11
Unknown - 11
It seems odd that this hardtop should remain unknown manufacture. The photo comes from a pit stop during the 1960 TT races. The photo is found in Dick Jacobs book.

On 26 November 2015, Roger Daniell wrote:
"The hardtop is no longer with us as alas I left it at my parents house many decades ago. My chum borrowed the car and ran it backwards into a factory wall in Leicester one vening, causing extensive damage to it. Peter Wood pulled it out and it cost £350 which was a lot of money in those days, and then it still needed a complete respray. We were bringing it home on the trailer in the dark and it flew off as he had not attached it sufficiently. We didn't know until we got home, and there it was gone. I retraced the route the next morning and found it on the verge about twenty miles back, somewhat damaged, and then brought it home. It was like a Riley RME top, coachbuilt, covered in strong sort of meatsafe mesh, felt, and then black vynil. I suppose that I just let it go because of the damage and because of the extreme weight". -- Roger