The MGA With An Attitude
COLEMAN CABOOSE (Vintage) Trailer - TH-101CC
It took me years to get around to posting this page, because I couldn't find pictures of one of the vintage trailers in good enough condition to be representative.
I need to tell you right up front that the picture at right is NOT the old vintage trailer, but a more comnon newer vintage, presumably 1968 or later with larger tail lights and side marker lamps. And the rear nerf bar bumpers seem to be a common factory accessory (if not part of the standard package).
But now I found a YouTube video of a "survivor" trailer that has been cleaned up and reassembeld to be put back into service. Appropriately this one will be hitched to a wintege VW Transporter van. Pictures below are the older trailer which would be "period correct" for use with and MGA or early (pre-1968) MGB.

Yes I know the modern LED tail lights are not original issue.
