The MGA With An Attitude
Trailer, Matrix Manufacturing - TH-101MM
This one was found in the possession of James Ohnstad in Fargo, North Dakota, USA. It was made by Matrix Manufacturing in Princeton, Minnesota, USA.

Inside it first appears to be quite shallow, but hiding below the lift-up floor are two spare tires (or one spare tire and more luggage space).

These models come in Rover (20-cu-ft, 39-3/4-in tall) and Quest (14-cu-ft, 34-1/4-in tall). The smaller one is ideal for towing behind an MG, as it allows sight over the top via the dash mounted rear view mirror. The Quest model is shown here. Empty weight is about 200 pounds (depending on accessories), with 500 pound torsion axle, giving load capacity of 300 pounds.