The MGA With An Attitude
Build your own MGA Trailer Hitch #3 - TH-203
On 3/26/2014, Ralph Holyok wrote:
"A hitch I just finished for my 61, 1600. I made a template from coreplast sheet and dry fitted everything prior to cutting 1/2 inch steel plate. Real slick design that uses the existing bumper support bolt holes with new Grade 8 bolts to compensate for the added material depth. The cross member is an older U-Haul hitch off an Explorer that I picked up at a garages sale for $25. I cut the brackets off the ends and fabricated a new three piece end bracket. The end pieces stay bolted to the car and are out of sight, and the cross member can be added or removed as needed with four 5/8" Grade 8 bolts.

The 1.5 inch receiver is below the bumper and well inside when the hitch ball extension is off so no risk of banged shins. Very slick fit. I did have to move the muffler forward a few inches and modify the rear muffler support bracket but easily done and lots of room. The only permanent alteration to the car is a 2 inch wide by 1 inch deep notch in the rear valance, as the whole unit came in a bit higher than I planned. Beauty of the design is that it is nearly out of sight.