The MGA With An Attitude
Trailer to CARRY YOUR MG, #2 - TH-402
Another minimalistic MG trailer from Michael Ellsmore in Victoria, Australia. If you run knock-off wheels be sure there is enough space between the trailer fenders to clear the knock-off nuts, and don't scuff them on the way in or out. A tall board just inside the trailer fender may help to guide the car's front wheels down the center.

Notice swing away number plate bracket. Number plate may need a lamp in some localities. Five sided mud guards; these trailers seem to be built on special order, so details may differ a bit. The hitch appears to have a surge brake built in immediately aft of the ball coupling. Manual winch just aft of the spare tire. Nose of car overhangs front of load bed. Lashed down ready to run. Tie down straps are Garrick 1500kgs 38 mm wide (maybe overkill but ratchets are high quality and suit spoked wheels). Lots of tie-down loops in convenient locations.

30 mm timber stopper determins position of car on trailer, gives 105 kg loading on the tow ball. MGA rear is inside trailer tail.