The MGA With An Attitude
TWIN CAMS from the Production List - TC-107-1969
YD1.1969 -
MGA Twin Cam , Ex-Dick Baker race car
Photos below coompliments of Frank Graham

On 3/17/2019, Anthony Simms wrote:
"The clamshell Twin Cam being discussed was prepared by Dick Baker in the early 60s and was raced by Dick as an Improved Production car in Ontario. The Improved Production rule book was only one sentence long.... "Improved Production cars must retain the original block, transmission and axle housings, and the general outward appearance of the body". Dicks car was legal and very competitive.
I located the car in a barn (really) in Quebec in late 1981, complete, with a large quantity of spares, a complete set of factory Twin cam special tools and a very low price, bought it and brought it to Toronto. Did not want to restore/vintage race the car, as in the early 80s it was regarded as too radically modified to run in the Production groups. But it had a 1760 LeMans spec engine complete with 42 Webers and a C/R gearbox. Popped those out and used the engine in my Vintage race program using one of the 1960 Sebring cars (#38). The clamshell car slumbered under a dust cover in my shop for years.
Its restoration occurred after Dick Baker approached me to buy back his "old friend". The restore was done to a high standard both cosmetically and engineering wise, and used as many original components as was practical. For example, Dick bought the original 42 Webers from me as I was running 45s by then. It was great to see the car have a "new life", but Dick passed away before the car completed its "setup". Now VARAC and hopefully other Vintage clubs will let it race in appropriate groups. Its a neat piece of Twin Cam history". -- Tony Simms
On 3/17/2019, Mark Hester wrote:
"OK the "Clam Shell" Twin Cam can only really be YD3 1969, as attached:

In period Racing #248 does not appear to be "Clam Shell" though.
ex Unknown 1st owner
ex Dick Baker (2nd Owner), Onterio New - 1961-19?? ( see Yahoo message #1822)
Raced extensively in Ontario, Quebec & New York State
1965 converted to light weight special (square tubing super structure) with BMC help. Perhaps 1760 cc Engine fitted
ex John Howe, Franklin Cntr, Quebec (1976 Register entry)
ex Tony Simms, Florida 1981- Unknown ?
ex Dick Baker, Carryinng Place, Ontario (1991 Register Record)
ex Tony Cove, Oshawa, (email fails) 19??-19??
Current Owner David Holmes, 20xx-Present
I wonder what happened to the original chassis back in 1965 after converting to tube chassis !!!!
Many Thanks". - Mark
On 3/18/2019, John Orrell wrote:
"I am a friend of Dave Holmes. I sent him an email yesterday as he is in Florida for the winter months. I am sure he will be interested to find out more history on his car. I believe all the body work is metal and no fibreglass. -- Regards", -- John Orrell