The MGA With An Attitude
TWIN CAMS from the Production List - TC-107-515
This may be the car in the Lime Rock test day video. Ah, we've said this before, but there is more evidence for this one.

On 5/3/2012, Mark Hester wrote:
"For quite some time we have been searching for this very early twin cam. Michael Eaton has visited this car and passed me several photos, some attached. This car has recently changed hands and we believe the new owner is Jerry Lettieri. Michael, perhaps you would like to comment on the holes found in the boot floor"?

At 05:45pm on 5/4/2012 +0000, Michael Eaton wrote:
"Indeed this early car is definitely a strong contender for being the ex-David Ash, J.S. Inskip Test Run at Lime Rock movie car. According to the build records, it was originally white with red just as the car in the movie. The original owner of the car was Joe Guibardo of Long Island who certainly knew Dave Ash. The under dash shot shows that the car was definitely fitted with a Brooklands type sport screen at one time, and there are the large cut outs in the trunk (boot) floor right above the frame rails. I really can't imagine what else these cut outs would have been for besides perhaps some kind of straps to hold the seat in the boot during filming. There was no evidence I saw of welding on the visible frame portion to indicate that these cut outs had been for a roll bar or anything. So, I'm not sure why else they might have been there.
However, early photos we've found of Joe racing the car do not show it with the stripes or octagons, so was it repainted before sale to Joe, or did Joe not like them and have them removed or is it just not the car? Unfortunately as you can see the car has been repainted to a metalic green so it is unlikely that we will find any leftover trace of the striping/octagons if they were once there.
We are still trying to track down a friend or relative that might be able to confirm if Joe might have mentioned that it was the Inskip film car, but until then the mystery continues for now while we search on for more clues...
That is the latest on 515. I know the car is for sale, Jerry is a dealer. I do know him personally and he is a good guy. The usual disclaimers though please. I have no interest in the car, I don't even know what he's asking, etc. However, if anyone is looking for a car with some period racing history that could possibly be the Lime Rock film car, I know that it is available and I'd be happy to pass on his number".