The MGA With An Attitude
TWIN CAMS from the Production List - TC-107-622
YD1.622 - RHJ 950

Dick Jacob's reserve team car. - currently in GB

Photos of #622, rego RHJ 950 during Robin Astle's ownership from 1971 to 1973. the last known owner is: Colin Thomas, Stamford, LIN UK - 1976 onward
DVLA vehicle details for RHJ 950 are:
Date of Liability:
Date of First Registration:
Year of Manufacture:
Cylinder Capacity (cc):
Export Marker:
Vehicle Status:
Vehicle Color:
01 12 1983
08 06 1983
On 10/1/2017, Chris Thomas wrote:
"An update on RHJ 950, dick Jacobs team reserve car Colin Thomas owned for 47 years before passing away in late 2014 from cancer. As his son Chris Thomas, I've taken over to rebuild 2015. I made contact with Roger Daniels who owns 1 MTW and 2 MTW (the Dick Jacobs cars) and other MGA. He and his son Mark Daniels race these cars regularly; I help out at the events. Being Roger Daniels is the man in the know, he has helped with the chassis and body to get them correct. Aiming to get RHJ 950 on track next to 1 MTW and 2 MTW. Got a picture of Colin Thomas in it during ownership, and a picture at present been put back to the original color Ash Green. -- Thanks -- Chris Thomas

Colin Thomas in it during ownership Back to the original colour Ash Green in 2017