The MGA With An Attitude
Silver Springs, Pennsylvania - July 14, 2008
This page presents some of the activities around reenactment of launch of the MGA Twin Cam on the 50th Anniversary of the Original Press Release and Demonstration Day. This reenactment was done during the MGA Twin Cam Jubilee at Silver Springs, Pennsylvania, in conjunction with the NAMGAR GT-33 annual Get Together.

The NAMGAR GT-33 officially ran from Monday July 14 (mid day arrivals) through Friday July 18 (morning departure). The MGA Twin Cam Enthusiasts Group popped in to start their own special Twin Cam Jubilee a day earlier on Sunday July 13. On Monday the 14th precisely at 11:00 am, former NAMGAR historian Bob Vitrikas picked up the microphone to formally kick off the recreation of Twin Cam Press Day, exactly 50 years to the hour after the original Press Day demonstration of the car at Chobham, England. It was a nice coincidence that the 14th of July 2008 fell on the same day of the week as 14th July 1958.
MGA Twin Cam Launch Re-enactment - July 14, 2008, Part 1
MGA Twin Cam Launch Re-enactment - July 14, 2008, part 2