The MGA With An Attitude
BRAKE PADS for Twin Cam - TC-216
On 10/5/2021, timeagainwatches via wrote:
"I have in hand 2 brake pad kits ordered from Moss. They are both listed as appropriate for Twin Cam brakes, yet they have very different slots to mate with the tab on the brake caliper piston. -- Whereas the slot on the 180-220 pads fits the tab on the piston snugly, the slot on the ceramic pads (10873CER) does not. It would not grasp the pad at all. See pictures. Moss insists that the tab/slot system is unnecessary and antiquated. I worry that if the pads are not anchored to the piston (by the tab & slot) they will merely be loose and therefore less effective, particularly over time. -- Is it the case that the pads need not be tethered to the piston to work as they should"?

Bill Spohn replied:
"Not really. -- The main reason that anchored the pads to the pistons was the retractor mechanism intended to keep the pads slightly off the rotor when not in use to prevent drag and wear.
Fact was that there was more than enough endfloat on the hubs on both ends to kick the pads back when cornering - some people run springs behind the pistons to push them out toward the rotor so the first stab of the brake pedal isn't taken up just getting the pads out near the rotors. -- The only thing I would wonder about not having the pad anchored is whether they might chatter. Maybe someone has experience with that. -- Personally I would order modern pad materials available at outlets like Porterfield's rather than some anonymous pad, but then I tend to give the cars a good workout which most owners never do". -- Bill
Gert Joergensen in Denmark added:
"Last year I got a set MINTEX brake pads from Bob West, and they had the same sort of slot like ceramic type on the picure. They work fine, do not chatter and are much easier to install and remove. On top of that these MINTEX pads do have super brake performance compared to my previous pads". -- Gert