The MGA With An Attitude
Dipstick Markings and OIL LEVEL #2 - TC-329B
Please read article TC-329 first to assure that you have the correct height for the dipstick tube, and the correct dipstick with marks at the correct locations. If any of that is wrong you will not get the correct oil height reading.
On 1/29/2022, Erik Gryler wrote:
"Since I have my sump off, I took some photos and measurements (in metric). Of note, I have a rubber o-ring at the interface of the dipstick and the tube which causes the dipstick to sit about 2 mm higher than if there was no o-ring. You can see this in one photo. Sump casting number at right.
"Using calipers, the measurement from the bottom of the sump to the "MIN" notch on the dipstick
is 43 mm (79 mm from the gasket face of the sump). The "MAX" notch measures 67 mm from the bottom of the sump, leaving 55 mm to the sump's gasket face.
"According to Barney's site "The critical level for con-rod clearance is 77 mm" (measuring from the gasket face of the sump). This would mean that the "MIN" mark on my dipstick would put the oil level just below the "dipping in" point of the connecting rods. These measurements also don't account for displacement of oil by the oil pump pick up.
Fill test photos: 4 liters, 6 liters, 7 liters
"It seems that 7.1 liters might be too much oil? Was this a safety measure to prevent oil starvation in competition settings? Something I'm missing? I'm curious to hear others' opinions on this". -- Erik