The MGA With An Attitude
AIR CLEANERS For Weber Carburetors #1 - TC-341
For MGA Twin Cam
On 9/5/2012, Daniel Casey in Queensland, Australia wrote:
"You can use foam socks with the spiral wire supports inside to stop it from being sucked into the Weber throats. I installed the wire mesh ends from a tea strainer on each intake tube before fitting the foam socks. These tea strainers are available from any tea supply outlet. They are two round strainers which clip into each other. You use the smaller of the two, and just push it on and bend it in a few spots over the intake tubes".
On 9/5/2012, Ulrich Armbrust wrote:
"With respect to the tea strainers, Pierce Manifolds is selling screen filters made for the DCOEs. They are a 'professional' version of the tea strainers that you are describing. Tested on the dyno they cost significant horsepower due to severe flow restrictions".
On 9/5/2012, Daryl Verkerk wrote:
"K&N makes Weber filters. The element is about 1.5” thick. Pierce Manifold In Gilroy, California probably has them".
On 9/10/2012, Trevor Burnett in Souith Africa wrote:
"The air cleaners that I have come complete with four ram tubes to suit the foam filters plus all the hardware. Cost approx. USD200.00, available from Pickford Pettit in South Africa. His mail address is

Trevor Burnett's installation with "Air Flow" brand air cleaners.
If there are stub stacks inside the air cleaners, the end of the stacks should be substantial distance away from the outer plate of the housing, like at east 3/4 inch.
See next page for something more elequent.