The MGA With An Attitude
Special Bodies on MGA Cars - VT-106E
Buyers CR90 Body on MGA

On 06 Oct 2005 at 04:01:09 UK time Frank Graham wrote:
The Byers MGA was built about 12 to 15 years ago using a body shell that turned up at the Lime Rock VSCCA Fall Festival flea market in the B paddock. The body is a Byers CR90 shell, very similar in appearance to the Devin except that it is doorless. The 90 means that it was designed for a 90 inch wheelbase, the guy who built it (I think his name was Sherwood from Vermont) happened to have an MGA 1500 and with a lot of effort, managed to make the body fit the 94 inch MGA wheelbase with some cutting and reshaping of the wheel wells. I have some photos from its first racing season before the headrest, the fancy white striping and when it still had wire wheels and a large bulge on the bonnet to clear the 1500 engine. .... Susequent owners have done a lot of improvements to it. If I recall correctly, originally it had plywood bulkheads which have been replaced with aluminium, the engine has been moved back and lowered and there has been much massaging of the engine and suspension. ....

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Addendum December 2008:
The off site link for additional photos no longer works. I just received a note from the fellow who originally installed this body on the MGA chassis. He is Jim Collins in Vermont USA. Hemmings Motor News will be running a special on the car next month (January 2008 issue?).
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