The MGA With An Attitude
Special Bodies on MGA Cars - VT-106M

Devin bodies came in 26 different sizes, including some for 94 inch wheelbase that would fit MGA. The Devin has been so popular for use as a racing car body that people may have the impression that the Devin was an actual production car, like the Elva Courier. There were a few "production" cars built as turn-key deliveries, but there were far more bare bodies produced for custom builds.

See Devin/MGA on Frank Graham's web site.
Also see Devin Registery and Devin Specials (including MGA).

This one sold by RM Auctions in 2007. It is based on a 1962 MGA DeLuxe chassis with Judson supercharger and has a remarkably original Devin fiberglass body, still with original shipping tags when found. The red interior features MGA Competition Deluxe seats.
The following photos come from an eBay ad in April 2014. This one is on a 1958 MGA chassis with an MGB 1800 engine with a Moss cross flow aliminum head.

Forgotten Fiberglass has an article on a Devin bodied MGA at:
Devin Sports Cars still exists under new ownership. For company history and current offerings see the company web site at
Ths one showed up on eBay in September 2021 with notes calling it rare and historical and "not driven for a long time". More likely it was never driven, never finished. It looks like a very good example of reality in kit cars having very low resale value. But maybe someone will eventually pick it up cheap to finish it and put in on the track as a vintage racer.
