The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Police Cars - VT-110-LAN-595KTB
Lancashire police district
Steve Hodgkiss, owner, June 2015
On 6/12/2015, Steve Hodgkiss in Forest Row, Sussex, UK wrote:
"I've owned an MGA for 35 years, planning to restore it when I retire. It's not been drivable all those years and is in a pretty poor condition. I have just retired and am beginning to plan the rebuild and have just discovered through your website that my car was originally delivered to the Lancashire police. It's on your list, registration 595KTB, chassis number 70932 Just thought you'd like to know for your website records.

On 6/14/2015, Steve Hodgkiss wrote:
"I've attached a picture of the spare chassis that I have, just before it goes for shot blasting prior to repair. I'm afraid the original chassis is in such a bad condition that it beyond economic repair. The body front and rear sections are currently separated, and requires a lot of work. No pictures available at present as its in storage, but as soon as things start to progress I'll give you photos along the way".