The MGA With An Attitude
WHEEL STUD LENGTH Is Important -- WL-103B
Just in case you weren't convinced yet that you need to change the wheel studs when installing thicker alloy wheels, ....
On Jan 25, 2017, Jeff Sienkiewicz in New Milford, CT, USA wrote:
"Why? on the longer wheel studs"?
That's an easy one. I don't want to die on the highway (not joking). See pictures.
There was this little incident, Sunday June 7, 2015 at Flatwater Austin Healey Club - Autocross at Southwest High School, Lincoln, Nebraska. During fun runs after competition was over a TR250 lost a wheel due to (1) thick aluminum wheel, (2) wheel spacer plate, (3) lug bolts too short, (4) insufficient length of engagement of the lug nut threads, (5) striping of the threads causing loss of all four lug nuts.

Get new lug nuts, omit spacer plate, reattach wheel, take it very easy going home. Replace studs later. Thread engagement must be at least 1x major diameter of the thread (preferably 1.5x).
Splines on the replacement studs don't have to be exactly the same count, as long as they are correct diameter to get a good bite.
See also: Replacing Wheel Studs --- Wheel Stud Splines Design And Fit