The MGA With An Attitude
Following from the prior page, this is the "next generation" set of balancing adapters for he MGA Twin Cam peg drive wheels. It contains some additional pieces to adapt to various balancing machines with different size arbors and slightly different end adapters.
On January 13, 2023, Jan 13, 2023 from Mashpee, Massachusetts, USA wrote:
"I am the bloke who has cobbled together the specialty kit for properly balancing Twin Cam peg-mount wheels. Here's the story, in brief.
Because Twin Cam wheels mount differently than standard wheels. Twin Cam hubs have holes instead of lug bolts, and the wheels mount through pegs that stick out on the inner side of Twin Cam Dunlop peg-mount wheels (see attached pics). This was a design for English racing the cars back in the 1950s. Similar peg-mount wheels are found on the Jaguar C- and D-types. It results in far speedier wheel changes and more stable wheel attachment. But – for some reason – the idea didn’t catch on.
In any event, because of these pegs, you can't balance Twin Cam wheels on a standard high-speed balancing machine - as the pegs stick out from the center, preventing the inner part of the wheel from being able to press up flush to the inner clamp of a wheel-balancing machine. About 10-15 years ago, one of the top Twin Cam gurus (Bill Spohn) designed a disc with holes that would fit over the pegs and provide a flat surface for the base of wheel balancing machines to fit with, flush. We call this the Spohn Disc. (pic attached)
A friend of Spohn’s made a few discs many years ago… and then stopped… after which it was nigh impossible to get them. But Spohn shared his excellent design and I found a UK company to machine them to quite precise tolerances. In the process, other wheel balancing experts suggested modest improvements to the set-up – some extra fittings to help wheel balancing shops avoid screw-ups, and that led to my multi-piece kit. It consists of the following:
- the Spohn Disc, in alloy cast aluminum
- something we call the Smoothride Cone (a white hard plastic cylinder which fits into the Spohn Disc to improve stability while its in the balancing machine – see pic)
- the Outer Collar, a smaller alloy disc that goes on the outside hub opening of the wheel to insure it is centered on the balancing machine (the balancing machine clamps were not quite up to this task) – see pic
- several large “clamping” washers that go at the outer part of each side of the wheel to further stabilize the set-up
I've also attached a diagram on how the fittings and wheel go onto a wheel balancing machine. Happy motoring, all, -- JoshGee

Dunlop Steel Peg-Drive Wheel -Outer --- Dunlop Steel Peg-Drive Wheel -Inner

Spohn Disc (Alloy Denis Welch) --- Smoothride Cylinder Cone with Arrows

Peg-Mount Wheel w-Spohn Disc --- Peg-Mount Wheel w-Spohn Disc and Smoothride Cone

Outer Cap Fitting (Alloy Denis Welch) --- Outer Collar in place

Smoothride Cylinder Cone with 2 Washers

Here is the time sensitive news: If you want one of these kits, I’ll need to know by Sunday morning at the latest. The cost (pre-shipping) is $175 for folks outside of the UK and £150 for those within the UK. Shipping within the UK is about £20 – outside the UK about $50. If you are interested, you can send me a PM or email directly at “josh at BR5 dot com”. I am not getting a profit on these – I started by seeking the right set-up for myself and, when I figured it out (after about 18 months of research), I figured I would pass it along to others. By buying in volume, I knocked down the cost to others by about 50%.