The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (December 13, 2014)
Glenn's MG (and British Car) Repair, St Petersburg, FL
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Today we get to visit Glenn's MG (and British Car) Repair in St Petersburg Florida. Aside from saying "Wow", I can say this place is much larger than the shop I visited 25 years ago in 1989. The idea here is that everything is done in house, from carburetor rebuilds to complete restorations and painting.

Some of the stuff parked outside. You will loose track if you try to count the cars.

Parts storage and inventory control in another building, more organized than it may appear.

A pet project, a rare Austin 541, apparent granddaddy of the Jensen Interceptor. Think 4-liter 6-cylinder 3-carburetor Austin 6-cylinder engine and a monster top loading 4-speed gearbox
(as used in larger Austin saloons of the day) with Laycock de Normanville overdrive. The 541 prototype was built with aluminum body for auto show, but the production cars all had fiberglass body. This one is rough needing lots of work for restoration, but there's the challenge.
