The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (June 6, 2015)
Heartland MG Regional Car Show, Parkville, Missouri

First in class today. I suppose it helps to be the only car in the class. Nearby the MG TF, TC, TD, and 1930 M-Type Midget. Other end of the line had a Lotus Elise and Austin Healey 3000. Rainy day in the morning.

Enough MGB for multiple classes.

Several Midgets,including one with a transplant Japanese twin cam engine. And a few modified MGB V8.

Triumphs, TR3, TR4 TR6, TR GT6+, Spitfire, and a Morgan Plus4.

I think the 1979 Studebaker Avanti (not British) belonged to one of the vendors.
