McGyver Had a Busy Day - May 31, 1997
First day out on the Alaska trip, the MGA with an attitude was run off the road by a semi truck and forced into a guard rail. The car took a solid side swipe, and the fiberglass luggage trailer took a beating, flipped over, drug around the pavement, badly cracked and scratched. Undaunted, attitude will prevail. The following is a e-mail message sent to friends as a trip update.

McGyver Had a Busy Day
McGyver had a busy day:
The trailer was a mess.
The guardrail did more damage
Than the driver would confess.
He checked the left side and the right,
The front, the top, the back;
And everywhere McGyver looked
He saw another crack.
The left side fender was askance
And half of it was gone.
The tie down rails on the top
Were bent and polished down.
The lid was missing all the locks
And ropes were all around,
But in the front the gas can stood
As tall as could be found.
On the side the trailer spare
Was still a sight to see,
And underneath the two car tires
Were solid as could be.
People said to give it up,
"It's hopeless and a wreck."
McGyver not the kind to quit,
"It ain't as bad as that."
He bought some steel strap and screws
And paint in white and black,
He pulled his box of handy tools
From the boot in back.
He found a vice in Carol's car,
Decided to skip lunch,
Borrowed Vince's saw and drills
And set to work at once.
First the top came off the box,
The tire off the side,
The drill and hammer came to use
And straps were screwed inside.
The cracks were bridged, the gaps were closed,
For screws there was no lack,
And when the afternoon was done
He had the hard shell back.
A bit of caulking filled the seams
To keep the water out,
A little black was sprayed on top,
Looked nice without a doubt.
Inside the white was sprayed around
To color all the skins,
And here and there to cover up
A multitude of sins.
Some special effort then was spent
Before he lost the light
To put in place some toggle locks
To hold the cover tight.
To finish off the job real nice
A long time from the start,
New weather stripping was applied,
Working in the dark.
McGyver had a busy day,
But then the fix was done.
The trailer's back in form and shape
And ready for the Run.
Tomorrow's out and on the road,
We'll point it north and roll,
With San Antonio behind
And Lucas as our goal.
Marble Falls will be a stop
To visit mother dear.
We'll take the interesting roads,
The MG has no fear.
We can't stay long with things to do
And wind upon our face,
The party's waiting when we get
To Merryweather's place.
Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude (and a little scratch)
