The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (October 15 - October 31, 2019)
Wednesday October 16, 2019:
Rain pretty much all day makes it a good day to do nothing. Just sitting in York, PA.
Thursday October 17, 2019:
Thought we might visit a new shop near Harrisburg, and a friend we met at Darrell's garage Tuesday night. Made some phone calls and searched the net for information, but couldn't make the connections. Some tech question about the possibility of overboring a 1622 engine to 1800cc. Late night we headed back west with another objective in mind.
Friday October 18, 2019:
Woke up to frost this morning. Ran from western Pennsylvania to central Ohio, not in a big rush, just moving west. Some tech question about obstruction of a bolt when installing (or removing) a gear reduction starter on an MGA. Also posted a new web page about using heat to install an MGA gearbox rear mount. Spent some time working up a Venn diagram to illustrate some cash flow issues for CMGC related to newsletter cost and membership dues.
Saturday October 19, 2019:
Moved from western PA into central Ohio. Finished and sent the Venn diagram with a bunch of notes to several CMGC Board and Staff members. This may have some influence on how they decide to set the membership dues for next year, and maybe better use of the club web site to reduce size and cost of the club newsletter. Late night ended up in far western Ohio.
Sunday October 20, 2019:
Moved from western Ohio into central Indiana this morning, to be heading farther west later in the evening. Tech question and contemplating making a template for the fiberboard mounting ring for the MGA spare tire cover. Another tech question about the custom spigot bushing for crankshaft when installing a 5-speed gearbox in the MGA (or early MGB). Another question about location of rubber bumpers for the MGA bonnet (but that was just a misinterpretation of one of my website tech pages).
Monday October 2, 20191:
Sitting in Hobart, IN this morning, more rain most of the day. Some discussion about cost of printed club newsletters, switching from print to electronic newsletter, and economics of car club operation. Updated a tech page for MGA battery cover seal. Posted a link to a really good video for rebuilding the SU fuel pump (points type).
In the evening we had a two hour drive to Elmhurst, IL to attend the monthly membership meeting of Chicagoland MG Club. There was normal discussion of new members and/or visitors, past events and upcoming events. Also first pass at nomination of candidates for four Board positions for 2020 (likely same people as currently serving, maybe with swapping a couple chairs. It was also the 43rd anniversary of the club, accompanied with cake and champagne. Late in the evening, moments before closing of the meeting, there was a very brief announcement that membership dues will be increased from $35/yr to $55/yr for members who want a print copy of the monthly club newsletter. The gavel then fell with no discussion and no explanation of what they might intend to do with the additional dues money (that the club apparently does not need). I suppose that side steps my questions and makes our trip back from PA to IL to attend this meeting, a waste of time and miles.

Tuesday October 22 - Tuesday October 29, 2019:
Not a lot happening these days, wandering aimlessly around IN, KY, TN (that means relaxing). Aside from BBS and tech questions, I have spent considerable time with consideration and communications about club activities (and intentions) back in Illinois. Could be more about that later. Tech page updates on Twin Cam fuel pump mounting hardware, mouse-proofing a car for winter storage, installation of dual fuel pumps, rear hub oil seal, Twin Cam frame differences. Watching six inches of snow crawling across northern Illinois, may be good that we are somewhere else just now.
Wednesday October 30 - Thursday October 31, 2019:
Two days of warm rain, hanging out in Chattanooga TN, then Calhoun GA for less rain. Heading for 40-50dF colder Thursday night, so will be heading farther south to Calhoun GA.