The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (September 1 - September 15, 2020)
Tuesday September 1, 2020:
Some discussion with a bloke who bought a 1962 MGA after the body had been stolen (otherwise a complete remaining parts set). Interesting project. Anyone have a spare MGA body? Also some discussion about what constitutes a High Compression or Low Compression MGA (if you don't have the engine tag). Otherwise most of the day working on my MGA Part Numbers Index list (about half done by now).
Wednesday September 2, 2020:

New pictures of new manufacture sector gears for the MGA Coupe window regulators, now on the web site. -- Five hours for my semi-daily WiFi connection, uploading, downloading, tech questions and BBS. -- The LED dash light "bulbs" are beginning to flicker again. Can't get those things to last more than 6 or 8 months, and they are expensive, so I don't think I will be buying any more of those. -- More grunt work on the parts index list.
Thursday September 3, 2020:
Mostly a long day working on the Parts List Index. Got a call from a friend near Indianapolis, IN who is getting anxious for a visit from the MGA guru, and wondering why I didn't get there yet.
Friday September 4, 2020:
More work on the parts index. A trip out for 5-hours of WiFi connection. Word of another lubrication failure on a rebuilt engine. This one only killed one main bearing and one con-rod bearing, so it looks like no oil to a main bearing cradle (not a general oil flow or filter issue). MGA restoration in Ohio got engine back from shop, time for cleaning and painting in preparation for reassembly. MG TF we tuned up in Fort Wayne, Indiana got its brakes together and went for a test ride, coming back with a big grin. Someone buying Lucas pull starter switches from Vintage Car Parts in England, and it looks like it might be a winner, all metal shell with hard rubber insulators as original (says he will send me one for testing, but it might be a few weeks).
Saturday-Monday September 5-7, 2020:
On the 2-day schedule, only one 4-hour session of WiFi on Sunday (not enough), and the passenger side wiper arm cane loose on the way home (those mismatched splines form Moss Motors). Otherwise loads of hours of working on the parts index. I finally finished transcribing the MGA 1600 and 1600-MK-II SPL into the cross reference list. What a bear of a chore. Finished the last page in the small hours of the morning, followed by a couple hours of spell checking, and very late dinner at 4-am (what day is it?). Oh yeah, actually Tuesday morning. Hope to get the updated copy of the list uploaded sometime today (would be nice to get some sleep first).
Tuesday September 8, 2020:
Got a few hours sleep, then up early to head out for WiFi. Was worried about possible slow data link, but the large upload (180 directories (folders) went surprisingly fast (nearly all text files). Then catching up email questions and bulletin boards (bit of a backlog there), spent 8-hours on WiFi, but good feeling to round a milestone or two.
Ready to leave, discovered I had left the headlights on for 8-hours, bummer. Our little lithium battery jumper box almost worked, cranking the engine a few seconds at a time for several tries before it crapped out. Don't think the jumper battery was dead, more like overheated, as the little box was warm and bulging from internal pressure. I think we just found its functional limit. Lucked out when a local elderly gent with a pick up truck stopped to ask about the car (he almost bought one once). He had jumper cables, so we were running again in a few minutes. Headed back for an evening chat with brother before turning in a little earlier.
Wednesday September 9, 2020:
Thought this would be a day to relax before the next big chore, but I got to touching up a few small issues with the part number data files, just cleaning up a little. Then got started on the Twin Cam SPL, and managed to get through four pages of the engine section (lots of part numbers for variations of pistons and rings). Still expecting to get the electronic copy of the Chicago club newsletter any day now (somewhat late as usual).
Thursday September 10, 2020:
Mostly a casual day on WiFi, and catching up on a long backlog of BBS postings. No club newsletter yet, so back to the Twin Cam parts list. Met a older guy this evening who had a friend with an MG J2, and pictures on his cell phone, wondering where he can get parts for it.
Friday September 11, 2020:
Mostly buried in the Twin Cam Parts list. Got a call from a friend with a broken stud for rebound strap. Common problem with MGA when you break the threaded end of the stud when trying to remove a rusted nut to R&R the rebound strap. That stud is part of the rear axle housing weldment. You could make a new stud, then cut and weld to install it. Time to make a couple of drawings and a new web page to show how to repair it. I crawled under my car to measure the part, and my brother (the retired machinist) got enthused and almost made a new stud on the spot (except couldn't find the required 5/8-inch steel rod).

Looking around the shop, the first find was a 1/2-inch axle bolt. We could live with the coarse thread, but the shank needs to be 5/8". Next find was a 3/8" fine threaded lifting link. The idea here would be to find a 3/8" x 5/8" tube to slip over the link and weld in place to make the larger OD shoulder bolt, but we couldn't find the.
No new part today, but the easier fix is to grind the broken end of the stud flat, center punch, drill and tap to accept a bolt with a large washer, as long as you're not a concours enthusiast.
Saturday September 12, 2020:
Quick tip out for the required 4 hours of WiFi, followed by more work in the parts index list. Ordered another keyboard for my computer (only seem to last 18 to 24 months), and called daughter to send down the new insurance card (renewed 6-weeks ago).
Sunday September 13, 2020:
Full day of cranking on the MGA Twin Cam SPL to get that into the new parts index. Pretty good progress, having gotten through the Engine and Ignition sections.
Monday September 14, 2020:
WiFi afternoon. Met the bloke again who is helping his brother with an MG J2. I suspect he is beginning to figure out when we will appear here. Carburetor problems this time, likely a sticking float valve. Pictures in his cell phone show what looks like Gross Jets, but I don't think they existed that early. Not familiar enough with the early cars to know what belongs there. Maybe I should set aside some time to go look at the car up close. Late night work on the parts list, got through the Twin Cam engine section.
Tuesday September 15, 2020:
Ah-Ha! Received new keyboard for my computer today. Not long to install it, so now I can stop fighting with dead keys. The keyboards are cheap (like the whole computer), but only seem to last 18 to 24 months. Otherwise, lots of work on the parts list today, getting through the Ignition, Cooling, Clutch, and half of the Gearbox section.