The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (October 16 - October 31, 2020)
Friday, October 16, 2020:
A trip out for groceries, but otherwise just settling in. I think I know what I may be doing to pass the time (plenty of work to do on the web site for the next couple of months).
Saturday-Sunday, October 17-18, 2020:
Posted a few more web pages for accessory parts. Perhaps more important, I took two prior pages from the Special Tuning Guide listing "Racing And Competition Equipment", and "Accessories", and added those part numbers to the MGA Part Numbers index. Some of those numbers already had prior web pages for additional information, so already accumulating some good links.
Monday, October 19, 2020:
Aside from more work on the MGA part numbers index, I had the opportunity to connect to the monthly Zoom Meeting for Chicagoland MG Club. I had missed the past two monthly meetings due to lack of a WiFi connection at time of the meetings, so it was nice to connect with the old gang again.
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 20-21, 2020:

Spent some time with a couple new tech pages cross referencing part numbers for Twin Cam connecting rods in various weight ranges. The various part numbers were later superseded to just two numbers with material added at both ends of the con-rod for adjustable balancing weights. These parts can also be used as Special Tuning parts for the pushrod engines when full floating wrist pin is desired.
Thursday, October 22, 2020:
Only boring news today is that we have been hold up in the new motel location in Columbia, South Carolina for a week, giving an excuse to get out to go foraging.
Friday, October 23, 2020:
Got an email message from a parts supplier this morning, initially referring to a spelling error on one of my web pages. While fixing that issue, I ran across
another web page noting a quality issue with one of their parts, a NEAPCO U-joint. So I gave him the link to that web page, and will wait to see if there may be any response.
Posted a couple new tech pages for MGA Parts cross referencing body sill lower trim strips and the related fasteners, including the special T-bolts.
Saturday-Sunday, October 24-25, 2020:
Bunch of work on the MGA Part Numbers index. Updates to heater pages, some new tech pages for Fresh Air Ventilation kits, and lots of cross referencing of part numbers and web pages for Hardtops and matching side curtains.
Monday, October 26, 2020:

A few more web pages, and cross reference links for the Auster Competition Windscreen, high note horn, radiator blinds (standard and Twin Cam), luggage carrier, wing mirrors, screen washer kits, and wood rim steering wheel (Italian style). It was a long day.
Tuesday-Wednesday, October 27-28, 2020:
Having slipped a few days since recording, I don't remember what I did, and don't want to bother with trivia anyway.
Thursday, October 29, 2020:
Well I definitely remember this one. Decided it was a good time to do a data backup, which apparently hadn't been done since May. Since I had previously physically trashed a couple of portable hard drives, I have been muddling along with a thumb drive, and my only high speed USB socket doesn't work. So running copy and paste in the background (with a few problems), it took 11 hours to finish the job. Good thing I'm not too busy with other things these days. But that's why the data backup doesn't get done very often.
Friday, October 30, 2020:
The publisher copy of the CMGC November newsletter arrived, and transcribing that to HTML format for the club web site killed the whole day.
Saturday, October 31, 2020:
Slept in, Halloween, end of month, weekend, not much happening. Guys still talking about weight markings on Twin Cam connecting rods, and tinkering with the part numbers a little, but that's about it.