The MGA With An Attitude
MGA Guru Is GOING MOBILE - (March 16 - March 31, 2017)
Thursday, March 16, 2017:
Having arrived a day early, we could take care of a little nagging issue. Time to apply for passports, for which we may have a use a few months later. Kind of a thankless chore that ate up half of the day, but we hope it came out okay. Then navigator was off to visit some friends while I was catching up email.
In the early evening I was off to visit Jim Michel in Glen Ellyn, IL, thinking he may have a differential we can use. He had two. First one turned out to be a 43/10 (4.300:1) with 25-spline sun gears, looks like standard issue from an MGA 1600. Second one was a 43/11 (3.905:1) with 25-spline sun gears, standard issue from early MGB. This was the target. Unfortunately the ring gear teeth were badly pitted on the working surfaces, so not suitable for continued service. Bummer.

I recon that puts the next day in limbo, as plans to change the differential just evaporated.
Friday, March 17, 2017:
Better luck today. A friend Bob Brownlow in Niles, Illinois saw the prior message and called to say he had a spare early MGB 3.9 differential. So today I was off to Niles with fingers crossed. This one was a recognizable
beauty from the offset. Notice dirty and dry, but all buttoned up in a complete rear axle that still had oil in it, nothing exposed to atmosphere. It didn't take too long to kock off the brake drums, pull the halfshafts, drain the oil and extract the pumpkin. And we have a winner, looks like low mileage, minimal wear, all oiled up and no rust. Drain it, rag it, bag it, and toss it in the trailer for future use. Now that I have everything I need to rebuild the rear axle I'm not so much concerned if the existing one might break.

Then just for fun we pulled an interesting part off the shelf. Bob is sitting on a rare original Judson Supercharger valve cover with built in oiler. These things are more rare than the Judson superchargers, many of which go wanting for this part. He hasn't decided yet if he will keep it or sell it.

Saturday, March 18, 2017:
Not a lot happening today, mostly relax and catch up email and tech questions. Come evening it was time to haul tail up to DuPage County Fairgrounds to help set up for tomorrow's All British Swap Meet and Auto Jumble. Follow with a light dinner with old friends before turning in to get a little sleep before early rising.
Sunday, March 19, 2017:
Swap Meet day, early start at 5:30-am to open shop and begin letting the vendors in for set-up. Lots of pictures to be found on the CMGC web site here: A few posted here just to whet your curiosity.

Mid afternoon as the swap meet was breaking up, got an offer of a used speedometer cable that looked promissing. Weather had warmed up, and sun was out, so not a bad time to jack up the car and replace the cable. A noble effort, but to no avail as the replacement cable was not turning at the top end. Bummer. Maybe a disconnect at the gearbox drive gears. Mild task for another time.
Monday, March 20, 2017:
On a mission today. Received the offer of work space for a day from Chuck McCallum in Plainfield, IL. Quick stop at the storage locker in Romeoville, IL on the way over, pulled a replacement speedo drive spindle out of a spare gearbox. Navigator needed a quick stop to pick up lunch, while I was too busy to eat. And then, ah, work space. Grab the bench. First task was to open the 4.3 differential with rusty ring gear to retrieve the 10-spline sun gears. Remove bearing caps from the main carrier bearings pop out the differential, hit the locking pin with a 3/16-inch drill bit to open the pinch crimp, and drive out the locking pin from the other side using a long nail. Then tap out the pinion shaft to release all of the differential bevel gears.

Next up was to open the 3.9 differential to replace the 25-spline sun gears with the 10-spline parts. By now I had a variety of thrust washers to choose from, so used the least work parts (not much wear on any of them). Next up was to remove the front yoke, remove the old rubber seal, and pop out the front bearing to adjust the preload shims. I found 0.024" shim stack, which I reduced to 0.020" to achieve the intended preload on the input bearings. Given the proper preload, then install a new rubber seal and put it all back together. Then jack up the car, remove rear wheels, brake drums, pull out the halfshafts, remove propshaft, and ten nuts in front gets the damaged differential out of the housing. A bit of grunt work to clean away remnants of the old gasket, pick a few broken shards of the housing, and mop it out clean.

No idea why I couldn't find two differential gaskets that I had bought recently but ended up making a gasket out of a donut box card stock. We had it back together in short order, including the replacement 10-spline half shafts. Nice improvement here with all new (or good condition) 10-spline shafts and sun gears to significantly reduce backlash. Got it down to about 1/8-inch backlash at the differential input flange. 1.3-quarts of EP80W90 gear lube (slow squeeze) and it was ready to go.

With just a bit of time to spare there was a slight diversion. Jack up the right side for better access to the gearbox speedometer drive spindle. Disconnect the tail end of the speedo drive cable, and pull the driven gear and spindle out of the gearbox. This one was a nice original steel gear with nothing apparent wrong with it. Really? Put the spindle onto the cable and turn the gear by hand to turn the cable. Turning the bottom end, but no turning at the top end. Rats. Pull the broken cable out of the jacket in two pieces. Bummer. All this mucking around because the used replacement cable was broken. Grrrr. Reassemble the driven gear and spindle back into the gearbox, reattach the empty cable jacket at the bottom end, and off we go with still no working speedometer. Live and learn. -- Okay, for the curious, here is what was bugging the noisy differential. We found one very large fragment of broken gear tooth from the input pinion gear. This would give the characteristic gear tooth chatter with each rotation of the input shaft. Nice that it held up as long as it did, as it has been making unsettling rattling noises for more than six weeks, at least 4000 miles.

While Chuck and I were messing around with the differential and speedometer cable, navigator was installing a new tapping plate for the passenger side door latch striker. He seems to get a little incentive when his right ear is freezing while blasting down the expressway. Stripped threads be banished, and the door latch works again. Finally after packing up the trailer with tools and two duff differentials, we were off post haste for the evening club meeting at Mack's Golden Pheasant in Elmhurst, IL. Nice meeting, but oh what a motley crew. I had to come up here all the way from North Carolina to get the mug shots of the club officers because no one else would take the pictures.

One last blast. That would be navigator's youngest sister Honey in the middle. Dang, we don't get back here often enough these days. Okay then, off to late night WiFi work to bring you up to date on photos and notes. Do go back and check out the Swap Meet photos on the club web site. You will always find some interesting "stuff" in those pictures.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017:
Late breakfast, followed by a stop at Walmart to pick up a couple of large plastic tote boxes. Stop at storage locker on way out of town to toss out some junk, and a few things we haven't used for a long time, pick up a few more tools, and reorganize the trailer. Good going, a bit of extra space now, still toting a pair of new trailer tires to be installed sometime soon, which will free up a bit more space. As the trip evolves we carry more tools and parts, and a few less personal gadgets. Still looking for a new speedometer cable. Heading south, by 9-pm we crossed the Mississippi from Cairo, IL into Missouri for second fuel stop, about 400 miles on. May not be done yet, seriously thinking about doing stuff in Memphis, Tennessee tomorrow (after a short pass through NE Arkansas).
Wednesday, March 22, 2017:

Yes we hit Memphis, Tennessee to go shop hopping. First up was Import and Sports Repairs. Not a good start, as this business has been gone for at least six years (even though the sign is still on the building). It is now occupied by Walkers Engine Service, which has been on the premises for many years before (but nothing to do with LBC's).
Next we hit Wheel-Tek wheel repair center. Reading banners on the wall was a good start. They deal mostly with large modern alloy wheels, because they have high value and really don't want to be tossed out when damaged. They also deal with steel wheels, mostly rim straightening. They would like to stay arms length away from wire wheels, because labor to repair them is often in excess of the replacement value. But they can mount tires and balance wire wheels, having all the necessary special fixtures to handle the wire wheel hubs.

It rather surprised me that they seldom "roll" the rim on a steel wheel for straightening. It is usually a process of heat and push, measure run-out, then heat and push some more. They sometimes do TIG welding to repair and replace broken pieces on alloy wheels. A lot depends on the replacement value of an expensive wheel.

Then we were off to visit Word Of Mouth Auto Detailing. What does this have to do with LBC's? Like most any other vehicle, if it needs to be spit shined and polished, they do it here. Lots of vintage cars go through this shop.

Then we were off to visit Memphis Motor Werks (actually in Cordova, Tennessee), which of course sounds distinctively German, and it is. The first couple of folks I talked to seemed to have no interest at all in LBC's. But I finally got around to the owner, and the story changes considerably. Locally owned and operated since 1985. It started out with used to do a lot, but not much any more, prefer to work on Porsche and the like. But then it got around to a few MGB that happen to be in process at the moment, one engine rebuild and two very original one-owner cars getting a general clean-up to be made road worthy.
Then we wandered through the machine shop where there are many engines in process. They may do anything and everything your engine needs here, except crankshaft grinding which they send out.
I nearly stumbled over an MGB overdrive gearbox, which I think is waiting for the mating engine before going back into one of the cars in house. These two MGB are the one-owner original type.

One last programmed stop for the day was for Rods & Roadsters Vintage Motorworks on the south side of Memphis. Initial strike out here, perhaps a bit too late in the evening, gate locked and no answer on the phone, but I left a message anyway. We can hang out locally and come back tomorrow.
Thursday, March 23, 2017:
Okay, back to Rods & Roadsters Vintage Motorworks again. This time the gate was open,
because the business in front shares the side lot. The door was locked, and the phone gave us the same
voice message service. A fair number of MGB outside, along with lots of non-British stuff. It certainly looks like a viable business, just irregular operating hours, so call ahead if you intend to visit here.

Then on someone's recommendation we were off to visit Art & Speed Classic Car Galley in Collierville, TN (just east of Memphis). This would be a buy/sell and consignment sales business, but apparently they do some commercial service work as well. Right off there was some redeeming social value here.

The Jag E-Type was found between the shop and the show room. The roadsters were first thing inside the show room. More of the smaller cars were tucked into an adjoining chamber with plenty of access space. The Austin FX4 Taxi was fun.

Then I was finding an inordinate number of Datsun Z-cars, at least half a dozen, with the silver one sporting fuel injection. I didn't get around to asking why they were all here. By now we should all know the casual relationship between the Datsun sports cars and MGs.

There was a Cord replicar, supposedly a 1969 vintage kit, so by now vintage/antique in its own right (likely not very valuable). Nearby another kit car, didn't recognize the model, something in-line automatic, also likely not very valuable.

The rest was mostly vintage American iron. I must be getting old, as I was driving a lot of these cars in the mid to late 60's, so it is a bit of a stretch to call them "antique", but I will accept "vintage", because some of them are as old as my MGA.

Friday, March 24, 2017:
Kind of a long way from western Tennessee to central Alabama, but here we are in early afternoon to visit Bob Morgan
in Wetumpka, AL. Why? Well, he has a speedometer cable we can use, and we have been running around without a speedometer (or odometer) for the past 1200 miles. Good excuse as any. Getting right to the point, disconnect and pull the old cable through the firewall, remove one P-clip, car up on the hoist, disconnect the bottom end of the cable for removal. Reassembly is the reverse of disassembly (easier said than done of course), and in due time we have a working speedometer again.

Then we get to play with his toys for a while. For starters he has a nice early pull-handle MGB (with a Weber carburetor) getting close to roadable. He also has a MGA 1600 in process, although this one will need some rust repair before painting. And there is a 1600-MK-II (son-in-law's car I think) which will need significantly more work. On the side, enough gearboxes and engines to go around (with a couple spares). Someone may recognize the MGA Twin Cam (or "Deluxe") gearbox on far left.

By evening we were off to the nearest WiFi spot to catch up photos and notes and email. Mostly done there we were thinking there must be some club activity going on for the week end, so checking out the club web sites for activity. Just shy of 9-pm we spot the objective and make a phone call to verify. There is a car show in New Orleans at 9-am, so save us a spot, and we're outta here. It's only about 4-1/2 hours driving time back to the southwest, and expressway nearly the whole way. By 2-am we we crossed the Louisiana state line on I-10 and found a spot to get some sleep.
Saturday, March 25, 2017:
Not a habit waking up to 7-am alarm, but here we go again. Just before 9-am we found a Subway and grabbed
a couple of Foot Longs for breakfast and lunch, then checked into the car show just around the block. This was British Car Day New Orleans, and I suppose they may have some rain more often than not. Pretty nice when we pulled in but raining an hour or so later. I was looking for a short break in the showers to get some pictures. By late morning we had a couple hours of dry and sun for show and tell and judging, before it got wet again.
Let's get the MGs right up front. The MGB with a party trailer was worth a second take.

Plenty of MGB's, a couple BGT's, one MG TD, at least one MG Midget among the Spridgets (under a cover doesn't count).

At least four MGA, a second MG Midget, one MG ZA Magnette, one MG ZB Magnette, one early Mini, and one Morris Minor.

Yes there were Triumphs. I think that was a TR-2A (go ahead an call me wrong), half a dozen TR6's, One wedgeling TR7, and one Delorean in absolutely beautiful condition.

Beyond that a Triumph Stag (V8 as original), a Sunbeam Alpine and an early Sunbeam Tiger with original 260-CID V8 engine (rather rare). There were few Rolls Royce in attendance, one of them being Best Of Show. And the late model Minis, I swear they keep getting bigger. That would be a Mini Countryman in the middle.

Lots of Jag's here. There was one E-type with no engine bonnet and no doors temporarily hiding under a tarp, but tucked back into its trailer during a break in the storms. Nothing earlier, but plenty of later models, your choice.

Okay, you can have the Aston Martin too, and a hand full of Loti (if you can get in or out of one).

One Morgan Plus-4, two big Healey's, one MG Y-type to round out the field, and the Vanden Plas Princess that stole my heart (because I used to own an Austin America).

After voting and counting, and awards and door prizes, the crowd pretty much scattered to the four winds (or maybe three winds considering the location). By 5:30-pm about 20 hearty souls collected at a local seafood restaurant for dinner and chat, after which we were off to WiFi for the rest of the evening.
Sunday, March 26, 2017:
Day off, so to speak (no appointments). Time well spent catching up the photos and notes, and lots of time looking forward a few days, shuffling dots on the map, making out the Planning spread sheet. There will be not much idle time in the the next week or so. Stay tuned.
Monday, March 27, 2017:
No personal appointments today, so we are off shop hopping in New Orleans area. First up was Tourist Trophy Garage, which has been closed since the Katrina storm, at least 8 years. Bummer, but that's why we're here.
Next up was MicroFinish, LLC. Big shop, lots of business, they do not paint cars. They supply paint in a variety of brands and any perceptible color under the sun. Most of the business comes from the web site and direct shipping, but you can walk in the front door to buy paint as well. If you want to bring in a sample for laser scanning for a perfect match, please make the sample about 3-inches square to accept the scanner head.
Then we were off to visit Gambino's Foreign Cars in Harahan, LA. Little British cars used to be the meat and potatoes
of their business, but since the Katrina storm many of the cars disappeared. Today they service almost anything that is not vintage, and send the vintage British cars to Keith Vezina not far away.
So we ambled over to Keith's shop. We had met Keith and his wife at the club dinner the night before. This shop is a week end business (after his normal day job). Space is rented from a friend in a common building, which is another vintage car shop. Call for appointment.
There is supposed to be a place called V&N Foreign Car Repairs in Baton Rouge, LA. It says "Call for directions". Duh? Phone call hit an answering machine that sounded nothing like a car business. We left a message, but no immediate call back. To be presumed defunct until proven otherwise.
Time for one more stop today if we hustle. Acadiana Sports Car Orphanage in Abbeville, LA. This sounded really interesting, until we got there to find a vacant house. It could be an incorrect address, and the phone number sounded bogus.
We inquired a few doors back at Mike's Auto Service. This one in business last four years, closed a year ago for health reasons. Unfortunately they know nothing about Acadian Sports Car Orphanage. A few days later I found a bit more information on their web site, but it still looks a bit shady to me, so I'm not recommending it to anyone.
After a dinner stop and short stint on WiFi, we are heading farther north tonight, hoping to be in the vicinity of Bossier City (near Shreveport, LA) for a morning appointment. Assuming that doesn't take long, follow by a hard spring west to the Dallas-Ft Worth, Texas area by early afternoon. We movin'.
Having a little problem with the new dipper switch in the dark (just five weeks after installation). Sometimes it takes multiple kicks to go from high beam to low beam. Have to pay attention to be sure it won't cause more problems.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017:
Yes, we made it. First stop today was a visit to H. D. Rogers & Sons in Bossier City, LA. Aside from being locked up, it had the right names on the mailbox, and a bunch of British cars out back. But the phone number we had
was disconnected. There is a history of family business here from 1959/60 H.D. Rogers & Sons Import Car Specialists. After the passing of Mr. Rogers Sr, Harold Rogers Jr became the owner and operator of the business. In 2004 he closed the shop. His son Hal Rogers more recently opened up under a new name Classic Auto Spares to continue on the tradition of supplying parts and accessories to Classic Car enthusiasts. A bit of web search reveals a web site and a new phone number. Will have to try that one later. Now point it west.

A few hours later we were on the south side of Dallas, Texas, for a visit to Automotive Specialties Co.
Meet Art Ziesk. Last time I recall seeing this guy was at NAMGAR GT-22 in Grapevine, Texas 1n 1997 (near end of the Alaska trip who's pictures started this web site). Well, he's still in the shop business, and still here 20 years later, now with a partner who should continue the business after Art retires. Business is stacked up here, literally, three dimensional.

And when this is done there is a lot more waiting its turn outside.

The next "intended" target was Bruno's Garage in Irving, TX. Street address was supposed to be 1828 N
Belt Line Rd, but the only building here was 1830. This was a used car dealer who has been here for more than 10 years, so it appears the shop information must be wrong. A web search makes this look like the wrong address, so we may have another go at this one later.
This was easy. We were looking for British Automotive Services in Dallas, TX. The company currently occupying the building has been there 10 to 15 years, but they did know the prior occupant, because they took over this space from them. Scratch one Brit car service shop.
The next one may be a bit of comic relief. You won't get your vintage British car repaired here, but they do make some parts you may use. This is the corporate headquarters of Interstate Batteries in Dallas, Texas. Not sure why this one was on our Shops list, but sure enough they make parts we can use.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017:
Hey, it's a play day, so I get to tinker again. We have an appointment with Phil Marcell in Plano, Texas. Phil has a very nice MGA Twin Cam that had a few carburetor and tune-up problems which he was not prepared to tackle himself (like don't try this at home). First up was the process of soft mounting the dual SU carburetors. With some advance planning most of the required parts were on hand, and Phil had removed the air cleaners, keeping everything else together for inspection and photos before disassembly. But before we got started, we took a few minutes to check out some of his other toys. There was a very original survivor car 1953 Corvette. I have such a soft spot for any survivor car. Next to it was a 1934 MG PA, which Phil had resurrected literally from buckets of parts and piles of rust. And there wa the BMW thing, a Z4 I think, the daily appliance.

Okay, on to the carburetors. Disconnect choke cable, throttle cable, and fuel hoses, making note of where springs and brackets are placed. Then elongate the holes in the soft mount plates to span the diagonal studs on the SU H6 carburetors.

These were the soft mount plates of choice, because the single plate has a half-O-ring molded on each side of the plate. This looks almost like a single O-ring in that it is as thin as you can get without machining grooves in the manifold or throttle bodies. They looked very nice when installed, until we ran into the next problem. The original carb mounting studs were too short to accept the new soft mount fasteners. Oops. And the supplier sent enough parts to work with one Weber dual side draft carb, but here we have eight studs, not four. Quick call to the supplier to send more fasteners. Meanwhile we will get the carbs installed with fasteners on only two studs for each carburetor.

The short studs were not such a big problem. While I was removing the old studs Phil was off to a local auto parts store to buy longer studs. Next problem found was the wind up torsion springs for throttle return on each of the carburetors. They are supposed to be right and left handed parts with opposite wind up direction. These are both right handed, or for the front carburetor, so the one in back was trying to hold the throttle open instead of closed. After lots of searching we could not find another spring handy, so I did my best to make the wrong spring work by winding it in the opposite direction intended while modifying stops on the clamp washers to retain the spring ends.

Getting close. Carbs back on the car, cables and springs and hoses installed, oil in the dashpots, and two turns down on each of the mixture nuts. Time to see if it runs. Switch on, ticky-ticky, fuel pressure up and no leaks.

Lots of choke, a little throttle, pull the button, and it fired right up, although running pretty rough. Rear carb was very lean, front one just a little lean, easily adjusted, but still idling rather rough. Time for ignition timing check, break out the timing light, disconnect the vacuum line (yes, this Twin Cam still has the original vacuum advance distributor). First check revealed 30d-BTDC at idle, 65d-BTDC at road speed. Yikes! Pull the heater air intake out of the way, then jack up, remove LF tire and inner fender access panel.
Loosen distributor base clamp so it can rotate, and give it a little push. Back under the front with the timing light, and repeat the timing check. After 4 or 5 iterations of this exercise we had 31d-BTDC at road speed, and 5d-BTDC at idle. Reinstall the vacuum pipe, and check timing again. This time it gets up to 51d-BTDC at road speed (and light throttle), a clean 20 degrees of vacuum advance. That should get better gas mileage on road touring, as long as no one gets paranoid about the vacuum advance being present. Lock it all down and get back to fine tuning the carburetors. It is sweet running machine. And best of all, the original air cleaners still fit without touching the inner fender.
And by the by, a spark plug has just found its way back into my traveling tool box. This one hopped into an MGB in Lawrence, Kansas last year in a moment of need, good enough to get the car back on the road. Kind of nice that someone remembered where the spark plug came from and wanted to return it. Perhaps it will live to help another car some day. Okay, play time over, time to go back to work so you can have these photos and notes.
Thursday, March 30, 2017:
No appointments. Catching up photos and notes, email, couple new tech pages, and another oil change for the MGA (108,000/4,000=27).
Friday, March 31, 2017:
Shop hopping again today. First up was a place called Poor Richard's Euro Service in Gordonville, TX. After a 75 mile run to get there, the address turned out to be nothing, no building. And the phone number is disconnected, so scratch this one from the Shops list.
Then a run back south to try British Car Company in Denton, TX. This address turned out to be an electric motor shop called DC Starter Services, Inc. The good news is they do all starters and generators and alternators, including for vintage British cars, so we can add them to the Shops list. Bad news is, they have been here for 20 years, and the place was an upholstery shop of a couple years before that, so British Car Company is definitely long defunct.
Next try was R P Motorworks Restorations in Denton, TX. This turned out to be a nice motorcycle shop that took over the premises from the Brit car shop nine years earlier. Scratch another shop from the list.
<BitchMode>I have spent some time checking where these long defunct shop listings came from. I have found many of them on MG The Classic Marque ( and MG Drivers Club of North America ( In the latter case, some of these defunct shops have been gone for longer than this club has existed, meaning the information was obsolete at the time it was first posted on the web site. Also if you Google some of these definct shops you can find may references to them on current lists on the internet, implying that the shops are still in business. You can even find Facebook pages for these shops, meaning that the fake business page is composed and posted "on demand" by Facebook when the search term first appears in Google. In other words, lots of entities are copying the same bogus information from lots of other sources with no regard to validity of the information. Facebook will feed you any garbage information just to get you to view a fake Facebook page. Other organizations seem to think it is a good idea to make a shops list by copying it from someone else, but not bothering to check the information at time of posting and never reviewing it for many years thereafter. Once such garbage is posted on a web page, it can stay there forever. It is common that there is no effort to review the information posted as it changes with time. </BitchMode>

Then here we go again. Next stop was Bruno's Garage in Irving, TX (the one we missed two days earlier with the wrong address). This turned out to be Angel's Garage, which is a used car lot and paint and body shop, been here for more than ten years. But that's why we are doing this. In the end my Shops list will be current and correct, at least once before it begins to deteriorate. You can't do this by making phone calls.
Finally we got a winner with a visit to British Auto Specialists in Haltom City, TX, and this makes the day worth the effort.

Yes that is a Jaguar XKSS, go ahead and drool. Fewer than 20 of these exist after a warehouse fire destroyed the rest and production was never resumed. The bottle of oil is Total 20W50, listed as a racing oil but apparently works okay in a street car. A lesser known brand being not very expensive, and having the key 1200-ppm of ZDDP (zinc) that we like as wear protection for vintage flat tappet camshafts. The Lotus 7's are a bit of a bonus.

Kicking around the shop a bit to see what kind of toys may be in process today. The yellow one on the hoist is a Jensen Interceptor. You would recognize the TR6 and the MG Midget. The white one may be a Triumph Hearald.

The MG TF is a survivor car, unfortunately not surviving very well. The Rolls Royce in back is I think about 1926 vintage, don't recall the model name, but of course quite rare.

Next up was A-1 Foreign Car Parts in Ft Worth, TX. This store has been here faithfully supplying parts for our vintage British cars for about 40 years. It is now in the process of liquidation, either closing or changing hands sometime soon. If you would like to run a parts store you could snatch this one up complete, well established, and already flying. Otherwise the huge inventory (or any part of it) is up for grabs at nice discount.

Final stop for the day was Sports Car Warehouse in Arlington, TX. They are rather busy, but didn't mind taking some time to chat about the business. This full service shop is lined with MGs and other vintage British cars.

Heading south late night, the dipper switch not switching was getting worse, so we stopped early not far out of the DWF, TX area.