The MGA With An Attitude
Commercials -
History -
Movies -
Music Videos -
Personal Videos
Race, Rally, Autocross -
Restoration -
Test Drives -
Track Time (not race)
os Britney Spears in a Candie's commercial - YouTube (no longer available). Oddly, the opening shot is same as in the music video "Radar".
os Sabrina in a Clatex commercial, 1961
(3.2-MB wmv)
os MGA restoration in a Konig-Pilsner commercial (1.3-MB wmv)
os Seinfeld in a gas station,
American Express.
os Spy star Jimmy Fallon
in Capital One commercial
os Norwegian Post Office commercial
What you want, when you want it.
os Retirement planning commercial from Australia -- High Def. 10.6-MB
os The one that I want, No.5
os TAG Heuer watch
Novo shoes internet ad

os Hagerty's Cristmas Video 2019
os Estee Lauder beautiful belle