CMGC Legacy Links
The Chicagoland MG Club maintains a library of MG related information through the legacy website.
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‘Safety Fast!’ became the slogan and watchword of the MG Car Company in 1929. In April 1959, 30 years later with the MG Car Company’s permission, it became the title of the MG Car Club’s official publication, which was then sent to all members.
The slogan ‘Safety Fast!’ was the brainchild of Ted Colegrove, MG Car Company publicity manager in the 1920s. In 1929, Ted was driving through Oxford late in November. He came up behind a bus, which had painted on the back of a large triangle with the words ‘Safety Fast!’ running through it; this was to show that it was fitted with brakes on all four wheels – a new innovation then, and that it could stop quicker.
Ted thought it would be a great slogan if altered to read ‘Safety Fast’. Back at the Abingdon works, Cecil Kimber, the father of MG, was sitting at his desk with an advert featuring the current slogan ‘Faster Than Most’, to which someone had added the word bicycles, it now read ‘Faster than most bicycles’. Kimber was livid and seeing that ‘Safety Fast!’ could not be tampered with, he instructed Ted Colegrove to go ahead and use it. Since then, the MG Car Company used the ‘Safety Fast!’ slogan in a lot of their advertising from 1929 to 1979, till the closure of the Abingdon factory.
You’d ask why ‘Safety Fast!’ for the MG Car Club magazine? Because in two words, it accurately described the subject to which the magazine was, and still is devoted – speed with safety. It also is still accurate and stands true after nine decades of the Octagon’s existence for the brand. For MG, safety was always been paramount.