The Passenger Seat
We would normally at this time of year be looking outside and wondering when this bad weather would break. Whether the Groundhog would see his shadow and we would be faced with another six weeks of winter weather. This year we all are probably wondering why we bother putting our sunny Sunday rides away. No snow! Temperatures in the high fifties. Boy wouldn’t it be nice to drive our cars year round!
At our January meeting we talked about gas tank repair. A group of solutions was proposed, one was to insert a bladder, another to fiberglass the exterior, the third to hide another leak-less tanks somewhere, the fourth was to replace it with a new one and the final was to coat the interior with a plastic. Before this winter breaks I get back to you with the solution that I chose and the success or failure of that fix.
Finally I still need your help and suggestion in what type of speakers you would like as the program portion of our monthly meeting. Call or E-mail me with you suggestions and possible speakers. Thank you .
Ray Glorioso