Chicagoland MG Club
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Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline
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  Chicagoland MG Club:Driveline
The Steering Column aka Dual Drive from your co-chairmen

William 'Wilbur' Mennell Winter finally got here. As I write this we are into our 14th day of below freezing temperatures, its even dropped below zero a couple of times. Even though we haven’t had that much snow yet, the roads here in the western burbs are covered with a fine white powder of road salt. Not exactly conditions for a top-down Sunday ride in an MG. But this is winter in Chicago, and things continue on.

Our plans are to continue on with the fine work that Cowboy, Ray, and all the past officers have done. But we can’t do it without help. Like most volunteer organizations, 90% of the work is done by 10% of its members. But the work really isn’t work. The more that you put into the club, the more that you will get back out.

As you hopefully know by now, the Febuary meeting will include the annual business meeting and awards presentations. The officers and staff will give brief presentations on the current status of the club and goals for the coming year. Try to make this meeting as your input is valuable.

In the meantime, get going on those winter car projects, spring can’t be too far off.


Bill Hedrick Happy New Year!! Welcome to the start of a new year of MG adventures, or in the case of MRBILL3 and I, maybe mis-adventures would be more like it.

With this new year and new adventures also comes new management. Bill Mennell and I have accepted the mantle of club leadership and are both really looking forward to the year ahead. We know that we have very big shoes to fill. Cowboy Dave and Ray did a fantastic job, and their efforts are greatly appreciated by all. So next time you see one of them make sure and say thanks and buy them a beer!

The big challenge facing your new management team this year is maintaining the high level of excellence from past teams. My goal is to continue with our past traditions as well as to reviewing and refining them to better fit the needs of our club. Its a big job, and it will take more than just my efforts to make it work.

So if you’ve gotten something out of the club, comraderie, friendship, technical advise, or anything else, then please volunteer to return the favor. Right now, we need someone to take on the newsletter editor job. Barney’s got too much to do with both the webpage and newsletter, so lets give him a break. If you have computer skills, your club needs you. So call me if you’re interested or you’d like to volunteer for something else, the number’s 630-960-0944, call anytime.


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