May 20, 2002
The meeting was called to order by Dave Bralich at 8:04 pm. There were 42 members and one guest (Greg Van Tassel) in attendance. Among the attendees was one new member, Ross Fitch, proud owner of a 79B.
Maynard Hirsch talked about the Spring Tune Up Party held on 4/21.
Mike Olsen reviewed the Spring Tour, held 4/27. There were about 10 cars in attendance for a nice run up to Wisconsin.
Don Anderson discussed the Spring Chicken Rally on 5/5
  ;Bill Mennell’s Funkhana was rescheduled to a date to be determined due to non availability of the site.
Jake Snyder discussed the upcoming Champaign British Car Fest.
Tom Josefek talked about the upcoming Land’s End Rally.
Mike Olsen discussed the upcoming Miata/CMGC autocross to be held June 16th. We will be giving out our own awards and all points will be counted in our driving competition.
Jake Snyder discussed the upcoming Road America Camping Trip to be the third weekend of July. Contact Jake if interested.
Jim Evans reviewed the upcoming Abingdon weekend 8/15-8/18. The Abingdon trials endurance rally will be a two day 1000 mile event.
Review our web site for further details for all upcoming events.
Howard Turk, the new librarian, discussed changes he had made in the checkout procedure for the library.
May 25th through June 2nd had be designated as Drive your British car week. Please do so.
June 15th and 16th is the VSCDA Blackhawk Classic.
June 16 the British Car Field Day in Sussex, Wisconsin.
Larry Daniels reviewed regalia.
Barney Gaylord talked about the upcoming Family Kart Night to be held before the June Natter Nogin.
The 50/50 raffle, $24, was one by Bruce Bodven. A donated shirt was won be Steve Selan.
Respectufully submitted, Mike Hirsch