July 21, 2003
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 pm by Bill Hedrick. There were 30 members and one guest, Jill Newberg, present.
The Flying Low Rally was held July 6th and reported on by Dave Lieb. Eight cars participated, 5 of which were Miatas.
Jake Snyder talked about the Road America Camping trip. Everyone who attended had a good time. Jake encourages all to attend next year’s trip.
We are still collecting model cars for the Mercy Home for Boys. Please bring your donations to any meeting between now and October.
Oscar Gonzales discussed the NAMGBR convention in St. Louis. Members caravaned down old Route 66 to St. Louis and took a scenic river route back.
Howard Turk reviewed the Champagne British Fest held back in May.
Jim Evans talked about the upcoming Abingdon weekend event to be held 8/15-17 in Galesburg, Illinois. There is still time to register. Contact Jim if you have questions. There will be a caravan leaving Friday morning from Rts 34 and 47. They will meet at 9:30 and leave at 10:00. If you would like to join it, call Jack Feldman at 630.505.0866.
On 8/24 there will be an autocross held at the Canterra AMC 30 theaters in Warrenville. Check our web site for more details.
Bob Brownlow will be holding a resurrection seminar the weekend of August 8. He will be bringing back to life a 66B that has not run for many years.
There will be a Lap of the Lake endurance rally on 8/8 and 9.
Dave Ransom talked about regalia. He has some nice new shirts for the Abingdon weekend, prices are $26-28.
The 50/50 raffle was won by by Dave Ransom for a total of $25.
Our guest speaker was Mike Blunt of the British Car Union, talking about British Car Fest to be held Sept. 7.
Respectufully submitted, Mike Hirsch