The Passenger Seat
For the October meeting there will be no speaker but instead we will be celebrating the Club’s birthday. Yes this is the twenty-fifth year since the Club was conceived by a group of enthusiasts who wanted to share the joy and trials of MG ownership. They have over the years allowed others of like mind to take an active part in the maintaining of this breed. I would like to thank each and every one of those founders for their vision and their continuing help in steering the Club to where we are at today. Please don’t think that it is they who created us that have gotten us to where we are today. For without the help of many people over the years, the past presidents, treasures, secretaries, committee members and everyone else we would not be here as strong and vibrant as we are.
Let’s all join at the 15th October meeting to thank the charter members and all of those who have contributed to the Club to make it what it is today.
Ray Glorioso