Halloween Rally
by Paul Urquhart
To all the club members that participated in the Halloween Rally I say thank you for coming out to the rally and enjoying the weather and the roads of the area. I hope all of the teams had fun and enjoyed the day of driving. For a brief over view of the day’s events I give you the following. Eighteen teams started the rally and seventeen finished, Dave (cowboy) had some ignition problems and did not finish, but did make it back for some food. A thanks goes to Mike Olsen for the taxi service. Dave should have his car back running soon.
The rally route was 50 miles long and the teams had 2½ hours to run the rally. Most of the teams did the run in the time allotted and did a great job of finding the correct answers. The rally did made 6 stops at some of the local cemeteries to get information for their rally questions and to take part in some Halloween fun. As you can see by the scores the teams were all close to each other and the time limit did come into play for some of the teams. [Sorry, the score sheet just missed the drop dead hour for printing. Ed.]
As a note Steve Merical and Terry Gaskin did have some problems with his MGA on their way home but they did make it after a leaky radiator sprung up. With the help of some stop leak and water and stop leak and water they made it back to St Charles.
Thank You All and I hope to see you next year at the Halloween Rally that I will be setting up.
[Ed. note] This was our last rally of the year. For those who enjoy cool top down motoring we still have the social Cruise To The Rock on Thanksgiving day.

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