The Steering Column
Elections are here and you will be voting for the 2003 slate of officers. November’s monthly meeting was my last full meeting as your chairman and the January meeting will be the transfer of the gavel over to the new chairperson. Come welcome the new officers. Next month is the Holiday month and I wish all of you a very happy Holidays and a New Year. Please come join us on the 7th for an enjoyable night with friends, both old ones and new.
As the outgoing Chairman, I want take this time to thank all of you for the help that I have received over the last two years. What is so great about this organization is that it has a very large group of active members. That is not to say we cannot use your help. If you are a member and would like to become more active please let one of the outgoing or new incoming officers know.
"Safety Fast" to all of you.
Dave (Cowboy) Bralich