This was a very challenging edition to put together. We have new officers in place that are “learning on the fly”...and doing a great job at it. One of the other challenges faced was a lack of photos for this edition. During this time of the year since there is not very much going on so photos are very hard to come by. So, with that being said, I decided to utilize photos from last year for some upcoming events. I hope that is cool with everyone. I’m hoping that next month we will begin seeing some new photos that can be utilized.
The final challenge was stuffing renewal reminders for those individuals that have not paid their dues yet...that step adds a whole bunch of extra work to get the issue put together.
I would very much like to use this spot each month to highlight a member car. I received several MG holiday cards that would make a great picture here with a little story about the car or the photo itself. PLEASE feel free to submit those to me and I will find a spot for those great stories.
Hang in there, clear roads will be here shortly!!!
-- Bill Reece, CMGC Editor