Monthly Meeting Minutes
Third Monday, February 18, 2013
Attendance: 26 members
The meeting started at 8:04 PM
President Joel-Paul opened the meeting, believing that George may have been eaten by kangaroos while in Australia. Lacking evidence to the contrary, this theory was accepted as the truth. There was a brief moment of silence..
The club welcomed 1 new member, Matt Shemluck, and his Chrome bumper ‘74 MGB. Matt is looking for help in determining if the rust on the frame-rails is terminal or not. Steve Skegg has been working on the B, and pointed him to the club. We also welcomed 1st time attendees, Seth’s children.
Upcoming events:
Jim Evans reminded us about the 17th annual All-British Swap meet at the DuPage county Fairgrounds.
A member (who’s name I didn’t catch) is working with a body shop in Waukegan to paint his B, in what is described as an “Autumn Copper” color. The engine is in now, and he’s finish up detailing and assembly, and the plan is to fire it up in 2 months!
John Schroeder is excited as his MG-B will be all the same shade of British Racing Green soon!
Dave Bralich recently realized that he has a pinched brake line, and has been running on 3 brakes for some time! He’s rectifying the situation though.
Joel-Paul Bossard is excited to put his new Dead Pedal to use when the weather warms up.
Dino Perez noted that Ralph Arata just had a birthday, and is retiring in the next few days. Lucky guy.
Joel-Paul heard back from Phil Aleo, the author. Joel contacted him, and as a result, Phil sent the club a complimentary copy of his new book for the club library. Joel will reviewing the book in upcoming Driveline. Phil will also have a booth at the Swap Meet, and will be attending an upcoming Club meeting.
Annual Business Meeting—review of 2012
Annual overview—Dino reviewed the year briefly and thanked the club for the opportunity to serve the club.
Swap Meet—Jim Evans reminded us that the Swap meet is coming up, Victor is still looking for volunteers to help set up, run, and clean up. This is the 17th year of the Swap Meet and a large source of club revenue. We currently have 90 of ~100 booth spaced reserved.
Membership—Victor reviewed club membership. The 2012 year saw 308 members, which is the highest since ‘04. We have 180 members paid so far this year. Victor reminded us to Pay Our
Regalia—In Georges absence, we deferred an in-depth review of the Regalia.
Library—Bill reviewed the Library’s act ivies of the year. We were under the $200/year budget in the Library, spending only $185. The club added 11 books, 2 DVD’s, and took 2 donations. Bill is always looking for suggestions of books, and videos that the club should add to the Library.
Website—Barney reviewed the Website, saying that page hits per day is picking up, with around 1000/hits a day. The website visitor volume is near or at the ‘08/’09 high.
Driveline—Victor reviewed the activities of Driveline, reminding us that the newsletter is usually 12 pages, but with all the act ivies this year, we had a couple of 16-page newsletters, and even a 20 page newsletter this year. Victor commented that he’s always looking for pictures and feedback on events by members to include in Driveline. It doesn’t have to be War and Peace, but a few sentences and a picture or two from members would be great.
Finances—Ralph reviewed the treasury for us. Which he termed “Fun with Finance”. Sales of Regalia and name tags add to the coffers, but this is most likely because we have a surplus of regalia, so we haven’t ordered any. License plate frame sales have also been adding to the bottom line. Swap meet makes the club money, and Driveline costs the club the most, and the Christmas party was over budget this year. While the club is a non-profit, we like to only lose a couple hundred dollars a year, but in the 2012 year, we lost about $1000. Discussions about what to do will be the topic of future meetings. Although there is no rush, since the club has plenty in reserve.
Driving Events—Reinout reviewed the driving events. There were 20 driving events last year, and we averaged 12.5 MG’s per event, including the tours, rallies, and autocross. Reinout estimated that the club logged over 28,000 miles in driving events, with not break-downs! There is interest in bringing back the Lucas Memorial Rally. Details to come.
Editors Note: The Driving Event awards are highlighted in a separate section of the Driveline.)
The 50/50 Raffle was held. And the winner is...Lisa Perez! (see I wrote it down this time!)
Joel closed the meeting with a bang of the gavel at 9:49PM.
Respectfully yours,
David Novak
CMGC Secretary