Chicagoland MG Club: Driveline March 2019

Monthly Meeting Minutes
February 18, 2019

Victor Lheureux 30 Members in attendance

CMGC President Dean Hickenlooper opened the meeting at 7:02 pm. Dean welcomed Visitors Mary Anne & Tory Montgomery to the meeting. Mary Anne owns a 1975 gold MGB.

Swap Meet
Jim Evans
noted that the Swap Meet is only a couple weeks away and the vendor response is lighter that it has been in past years at this time. As this year plays out, we may need to rethink our audience and possible open the Swap Meet to other sport car marques. Jim passed around a sign-up sheet for assistance in setting up and manning the entry doors during the event.

Car Projects
Kevin Carlson
has removed his engine and is painting the engine space. He asked for assistance in finding a source for matching the paint color.
Mike Hirsch demonstrated making connections utilizing a cool product from Sopoby. Solder and Hot Melt Adhesive inside can be perfectly Waterproof preventing wires from corrosion. Transparent Sleeve of the butt connectors provide Visual Inspection. He found on Amazon.

 CMGC Annual Business Meeting
A complete summary of the Annual Business Meeting can be found on the CMGC website in the ‘members only’ section. You will need the member name and password.

2018 Summary – Dean Hickenlooper – 2018 saw several initiatives accomplished with a few still on-the-table for the new year.
- Membership - Victor L’Heureux - Membership increased slightly to 250 members at years’ end with 24 new members joining the CMGC in 2018. Our current renewals to-date for 2019 total 169 members. This is slightly less than previous year’s renewal progress. There are potentially 85 current members that have not yet renewed their membership to-date.
- Regalia - George Phariss – Set up a different on-line Chicagoland MG Regalia Store with Lands End Business when Fieldhouse announced that they were exiting their Business arrangements. Continued to sell off old inventory.
- Library - Bill Mennell - For calendar year 2017 we spent $28.23 for four new items. One book was lost by a member who refunded the club. If you have any suggestions for additions to our library, please let me know. Just remember that we have a limited budget, so a $100 fancy coffee table book is out of the question.
- Driving Events – Jamie Schafer - 2018 was the 6th year that the Vintage MG Car Club of Chicago and the Chicagoland MG Club shared the Driving Events, the combined calendar offered a variety of driving events and participation continued to increase. The 22 events saw 123 different members participating 272 times. These numbers went down at bit (63 less participants but more members).


  - Driveline - Victor L’Heureux - The CMGC Driveline was successfully published and distributed via two methods of delivery to over 250 members and other MG car clubs monthly. The average publication contains 20 pages of club activities and articles.
- Treasurer Report - Phil Wydra – The year ended with $7,746 in checking, $18,246 in savings for a total of $25,992 Club is no longer operating at a deficit. Net cash flow is positive.

  Break/ 50:50 raffle – CMGC member Steve Sparks was the winner of $26.

Driving Events
Past Events
(detail summaries of these events are in this issue of Driveline issue)
- January 26/27- Amtrak Road Trip to Kalamazoo, MI

Upcoming Driving/Social Event Schedule (additional details of these events are in the March Driveline issue)
    March 24 – Indoor Racing School - Blackhawk Raceway
    April 19 - Swap Meet - Jim Evans notes this is the 22nd Annual event for the club and need the support of members to make it a success. A sign-up sheet was passed around. 60 of the possible 100 vendor booths have been sold; this is less than last year at this time.
    April 20 - Spring Tune-up, Dave Bralich

2016 Club Awards
The following awards were presented:

Safety Fast: Success in competitive driving – Robert Weinstein

Maintaining the Breed: Commendable efforts in restoration work – Bill Kalafut

Ambassador at Large: Promoting goodwill towards the club through contacts with other organizations – Diana Gonzales

New Members of the Year: Enthusiastic contribution from a new member – Steve & Tom Nelson

Cream Crackers: Contribution to the MG community – Russ & Amy Mehaffey

President’s Award: Special Appreciation – Victor L’Heureux

With no further business to discuss, President Dean Hickenlooper closed the meeting at 8:10 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Victor L’Heureux, CMGC Secretary

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