Well, here comes the first issue under my guidance, - better late (very late!) than never, and, let‘s just say, a new software experience for me, so please forgive the appearance if there are any glitches (just be glad it MADE an appearance!) - and, I might say, it is only possible with considerable help from my more senior Club-mates…
Although I originally joined CMGC back in the 90‘s, now that I‘ve gotten my second MGB up and running like a top, I decided to become more active this second time around. Its going to be a great summer! I am going to try to get more people involved, to introduce the Club to those who do not regularly attend. The Club is plenty "user-friendly" as it is!
Ah, MG! I love my lil Brit car! There‘s something peculiarly ... organic, non-digital (analog) about it. I feel the job of saving, restoring, and maintaining - preserving - shall we say, certain "cultural artifacts" of significant mechanical design and aesthetic value -- well, that is doing God‘s Work! They‘re not making them anymore. I include mechanical